Graft Rejection; Kidney Transplantation; Medication Adherence; Nephrology; Organ Transplantation; Torque teno virus; Transplantation
Research group(s)
Research interests
I worked as a research fellow at the MRC Centre for Transplantation at King's College London and studied clinical trial design at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. I am coordinating the Programme for Organ Failure, Replacement and Transplantation within the Doctoral Programme of Medical Science at the MUV.
My group explores the clinical application of the apathogenic and highly prevalent Torque Teno Virus (TTV). TTV load in the blood is associated with the function of the immun system of its host and thus might be usefull to guide immunosuppression. Currently I am coordinating an EU sponsored project designed to optimize immunosuppression after kidney transplantation.
Another main topic of my group is medical adherence following kidney transplantation. Within an EU sponsored eCOST consortium we explore the potential of TTV based detection of medical non-adherence using data from the prospective Vienna transplant cohort.
Techniques, methods & infrastructure
The Vienna Transplant and Complement Lab (VIETAC Lab) is part of the Division of Nephrology and Dialysis at the Department of Medicine III. There is a tight link to the Vienna kidney transplant program (150-200 kidney transplants per year). Special programs include protocols for HLA and ABO incompatible patients and kidney paired donation. The VIETAC Lab is also closely collaborating with the local liver, pancreas, heart and lung transplant program, the Clinical Institute of Pathology, the HLA laboratory, the Center Department of Clinical Pharmacology and the Center of Virology.
- TTV GUIDE TX (2020)
Source of Funding: EU, H2020
Coordinator of the collaborative project - Diagnostik mit Komplement fixierenden HLA Antikörpern bei Nierentransplantation und Schwangerschaft (2017)
Source of Funding: OeNB (Oesterreichische Nationalbank), Anniversary Fund
Principal Investigator - Torque Teno virus quantification for the prediction of kidney transplant rejection (2017)
Source of Funding: FWF (Austrian Science Fund), Programme Clinical Research (KLIF)
Principal Investigator
Selected publications
- Doberer, K et al., 2020. Torque Teno Virus Load Is Associated With Sub-Clinical Alloreactivity in Kidney Transplant Recipients: A Prospective Observational Trial. Transplantation. 2020 Dec 29. Available at: doi: 10.1097/TP.000000000000361.
- Kerjaschki, D. et al., 2006. Lymphatic endothelial progenitor cells contribute to de novo lymphangiogenesis in human renal transplants. Nature Medicine, 12(2), pp.230-234. Available at:
- Eskandary, F. et al., 2017. A Randomized Trial of Bortezomib in Late Antibody-Mediated Kidney Transplant Rejection. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 29(2), pp.591–605. Available at:
- Kerjaschki, D. et al., 2011. Lipoxygenase mediates invasion of intrametastatic lymphatic vessels and propagates lymph node metastasis of human mammary carcinoma xenografts in mouse. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 121(5), pp.2000-2012. Available at:
- Doberer, K. et al., 2020. Torque teno virus for risk stratification of graft rejection and infection in kidney transplant recipients—A prospective observational trial. American Journal of Transplantation, 20(8), pp.2081–2090. Available at: