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Work Capability and Integration Management

All Postgraduate Programs and Courses

The curriculum is being revised

Maintaining fitness for work involves promoting good health, supporting motivation and creating appropriate working conditions, so that people want and are able to work for longer periods of their lives. It results in higher productivity and a healthy old age with a high quality of life.

The course centres on fitness for work, and the interdisciplinary nature of occupational health is reflected in its content.
It combines specialised fields such as medicine, psychology, health sciences, health and safety management and human resources development, as well as covering legal and ethical topics. 

Graduates of the course are able to:

  • apply acquired knowledge in the areas of fitness for work and return to work
  • position fitness for work and occupational rehabilitation within a company
  • understand and use company and individual fitness for work evaluation methods
  • manage fitness-for-work planning, maintenance and rehabilitation activities for companies and individuals
  • establish a company occupational rehabilitation process
  • utilise broad knowledge of the occupational rehabilitation sector
  • communicate and network effectively with experts and colleagues in the sector in Austria and abroad  

The course focuses on: 

  • providing foundational knowledge of fitness for work to an international standard
  • familiarity with fitness for work analysis and evaluation instruments, and tools to evaluate potential interventions (NB: this does not involve medical diagnoses by people who are not qualified doctors)
  • practical skills and approaches for professional fitness for work support
  • familiarity with fitness for work best-practice models for companies and individuals
  • key fitness for work topics such as stress, burnout, workplace harassment and approaches to intervention and prevention
  • examination and discussion of the theoretical principles of the various fields covered, and their practical application in the workplace
  • areas of overlap and integration of fitness for work into company rehabilitation management; case management in accordance with the Austrian Equal Treatment Act; relevant aspects of the Austrian Employee Protection Act

Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Richard Crevenna, MBA MSc MSc

Course Director

Medical University of Vienna

Spitalgasse 23
1090 Wien

Tel: +43 676 930 14 49
