Many professionals in social services professions are confronted in their work with people in severe crisis situations, including suicidal behaviour.
Every year, about 1,300 people die by suicide in Austria, and the annual number of suicide attempts with corresponding health consequences and follow-up treatments is estimated to be 10 to 30 times higher. The certificate course "Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention" provides the necessary theoretical and practical competencies and skills for dealing professionally with such situations.
Successful completion of the certified study entitles and qualifies the student for counselling activities with regard to crisis intervention and suicide prevention within the framework of the basic profession practised. The activities are aimed at affected persons, relatives and organisations. The main objectives of the course are to enable people to provide information and assistance in planning and organising professional help for people in mental crises, with special consideration to potential suicide risk.
This certified study provides comprehensive basic knowledge about the development and course of psychosocial crises as well as suicide-promoting and suicide-protective factors. Furthermore, basic concepts of crisis intervention are taught and possibilities of evidence-based suicide prevention are presented, which can be implemented within the framework of the basic profession.

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Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention
Medical University of ViennaUniversitätsklinik für Psychoanalyse und Psychotherapie
Währinger Gürtel 18-20
1090 Wien