Module A – Crisis Theory and Suicidal Tendencies (2.5 ECTS)
A1 Crisis Theory
- Life crises
- Psychological development / crisis vulnerability
- Traumatic and change crises and their proximity to emergency psychiatry
Learning Objectives:
- Understanding the emergence and dynamics of crisis trajectories in pathology and health.
- Ability to differentiate between causes of crises as well as an understanding of inner experiences in the context of crisis processes.
A2 Suicidal Tendencies
- Epidemiology of suicidality
- Assessment of suicidality
- Dealing with suicidality
- Crisis intervention vs. psychotherapeutic approaches to suicidality
Learning Objectives:
- Understanding and ability to classify basic epidemiological figures and frequencies of suicidal acts in Austria and in an international context.
- The competence to assess the acute risk of suicide, to apply crisis intervention techniques and to plan further work with chronically suicidal people.
Module B – Risk Groups (2.5 ECTS)
B1 Children and adolescents
- Adolescent crises
- Suicidality in school
- Interventions in families and couples
- Identity and affect regulation
Learning Objectives:
- Ability to assess risk factors for suicidality in children and adolescents in and out of school.
- Understanding and interpreting family and couple conflicts in relation to suicidality.
- Understanding connections between identity, internal object relationships and affect regulation (suicidality as an expression of internal object manipulation).
B2 Seniors
- Illness, loss and grief
- Risk factors for suicidality in old age
- Dying with dignity and ethical considerations
- Palliative care vs. euthanasia
Learning Objectives:
- Assess and understand suicidal responses to illness and loss in the context of responses to grief.
- Assessment of risk factors for suicidality in old age and the ability to develop one's own position on the ethical aspects of euthanasia/assisted suicide.
- Dealing with legal situations (including the StGB).
Module C – Prevention Research (2.5 ECTS)
C1 Media Coverage
- Imitation effects - horizontal and vertical identification
- Papageno effect
- Reporting recommendations
- Awareness, suicidality and the internet/social media
- Cooperation with the media
Learning Objectives:
- Understanding media effects
- Composing media reports in accordance with guidelines
- Understanding basic principles of dealing with the media in the context of suicide reports and expert interviews
C2 Prevention and Public Health
- General prevention approaches (Evidence Based Prevention)
- National suicide prevention programmes
- Society and law (restriction)
Learning Objectives:
- Understanding and planning prevention programmes within their own institutional framework based on international projects and role models.
- Location within the National Suicide Prevention Programme in Austria.
- Understand the social and legal framework of suicide prevention.
Module D – Practice and Case Work (2.5 ECTS)
D1 Case Presentations and Discussion
- Crisis intervention using role plays
Learning Objectives:
- Application of theory to "real-life" cases
- Strengthening intervention skills
- Practising the interventional procedure in a spontaneous context
D2 Regional Networks
- Crisis intervention using role plays
Learning Objectives:
- Apply theory to "real-life" circumstances in terms of referral networks and cooperation between institutions.
- Knowing about and communicating with regional psychosocial networks.
Module E – Practical Application and Reflection and Thesis (9 ECTS)
E1 Internship (5,6 ECTS)
- The internship must be completed in a relevant institution that ensures adequate contact with people in crisis situations.
E2 Supervision (10 Hours; 0,4 ECTS)
- The supervision is to be completed within the framework of the institutional supervision or externally.
Thesis (3 ECTS)