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Center for Cancer Research

Medical Science Division

Head: Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Maria Sibilia
Deputy Head: Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Walter Berger

Zentrum für Krebsforschung
Borschkegasse 8a
1090 Wien

P: +43 (0)1 40160-57500

The Center for Cancer Research at the Medical University of Vienna focuses on research into cancer and is a member of the Comprehensive Cancer Center. In addition to basic oncological research, translational oncological research also plays an important role. Within the framework of teaching, comprehensive graduate and postgraduate education and training is offered.

Research at the centre is concerned with the molecular characterisation of events leading to the development, progression and metastasis of cancer, the development of new therapeutic concepts and the influence of environmental factors on cancer development.

The focus of research here is concentrated on four areas:

  • Cellular and molecular tumour biology
  • Applied and experimental oncology
  • Safety of chemical substances and cancer prevention
  • Progression and metastasis of tumours

In close cooperation with the clinics, the centre contributes basic and interdisciplinary biomedical research findings to the development of improved and personalised concepts, in the sense of "from the laboratory to the patient and vice versa".

The long-term goal is to fight cancer by improving prevention, diagnosis, prognosis and cure.