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Elisabeth Stögmann

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© MedUni Wien

Elisabeth Stögmann


Department(s): Department of Neurology (Department of Neurology)
Position: Associate Professor
Location: Währinger Gürtel 18-20, AKH



At our clinic for memory disorders and dementia, we see a variety of cases within the continuum of memory pathologies. Our in-house collaboration with the departments for neuropathology and neuroradiology, comprising MRI as well as PET imaging, enables multidisciplinary research pursuits and further insights. With a focus on our early-onset dementia population, we use whole-exome sequencing methods in analyzing potential disease-causing genetic markers for dementia.


Selected Publications:

  1. König T, Stögmann E (2021) Genetics of Alzheimer’s disease Wien Med Wochenschr,
  2. Wurm R, Klotz S, Rahimi J, Katzenschlager R, Lindeck‐Pozza E, Regelsberger G, Danics K, Kapas I, Bíró Z, Stögmann E, Gelpi E, Kovacs G (2020) Argyrophilic grain disease in individuals younger than 75 years: clinical variability in an under‐recognized limbic tauopathy Eur J Neurol, 27 (10): 1856-1866
  3. Cetin H, Wurm R, Reichardt B, Tomschik M, Silvaieh S, Parvizi T, König T, Erber A, Schernhammer E, Stamm T, Stögmann E (2020) Increased risk of death associated with the use of proton‐pump inhibitors in patients with dementia and controls – a pharmacoepidemiological claims data analysis Eur J Neurol, 27 (8): 1422-1428
  4. Wurm R, Stamm T, Reichardt B, Schwarz F, Parvizi T, Silvaieh S, König T, Cetin H, Stögmann E (2020) Prescription patterns of antidementives in a high income country: A pharmacoepidemiologic study Alzheimer's Dement, 6 (1)
  5. Lehrner J, Coutinho G, Mattos P, Moser D, Pflüger M, Gleiss A, Auff E, Dal-Bianco P, Pusswald G, Stögmann E (2017) Semantic memory and depressive symptoms in patients with subjective cognitive decline, mild cognitive impairment, and Alzheimer's disease Int Psychogeriatr, 29 (7): 1123-1135