Exploring the Interface(s) of Science and Art
Our research is the offspring of hard work, perseverance and dedication. It motivates, inspires and fascinates us. So let us recognize and capture these moments. Illustrations, visualization and even unsuccessful experiments can possess a beauty that makes one stop for a moment and smile.
A simple artistic piece can also provide a fantastic tool to communicate science across different fields as well as to the public, and makes it easier to raise awareness, stimulate ideas and foster innovation.
Initiated in 2015 by the YSA in cooperation with the "Creative and Critical Journal Club" and later refined with support from Isabella Ellinger and Klaus Spiess, young scientists are invited to participate in a competitive exhibition on the occasion of the YSA PhD Symposium.
Science│Art Contest
The Science Art exhibition will take place a week before our symposium on the YSA Instagram page and at the symposium's art gallery. The winner will be announced on the last day of the symposium (science party).
The people's choice winner will receive a price of €250,-.
For submission, please visit the "Awards to win" section.