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New method for therapy selection in precision medicine explored

Medicine & Science

"Flexible Risk Evidence Combination Rules" can formalise medical decisions and render them justifiable

Wolfgang Bogner receives renowned ERC Consolidator Grant

University, People of the MedUni Vienna

Physicist works on imaging method to show how sugar is metabolized throughout the human body

MedUni Vienna University Councillors discharged


Brigitte Ettl, Irene Virgolini and Reinhart Waneck are leaving at the end of their term of office

Start of construction of the Eric Kandel Institute - Center for Precision Medicine


Kick-off in the presence of namesake Nobel Prize laureate Eric Kandel


Gabriele Fischer nominated again for Scientific Advisory Board of the EU Drugs Monitoring Centre

People of the MedUni Vienna

Addiction expert advises the agency on the management of the addiction and drug strategy for the EU

Evolution of epigenetics explored for the first time

Medicine & Science

Research could lead to better understanding of epenetics in deseases and in healthy aging

Alcohol-related liver disease: mechanism could form basis for development of new therapies

Medicine & Science

Researchers from MedUni Vienna lay the foundations for new treatment methods

Covid-19 in pregnant women can damage the placenta and the foetus

Medicine & Science

Varying extent of damage to the placenta caused by different virus strains

Lukas Haider awarded with the Karl-Vass-Multiple-Sclerosis research prize

People of the MedUni Vienna

Radiologist of MedUni Wien was honoured for research in the field of multiple sclerosis