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MedUni Vienna Project Awarded City of Vienna Health Prize

University, People of the MedUni Vienna, Studies & Further Education

The University course "Transcultural Medicine and Diversity Care" wins award in the "Healthy in Institutions" category.

2,000 young students at the KinderUniMedizin (University clinic for children) at MedUni Vienna

Studies & Further Education

Approximately 2,000 pupils between seven and twelve years of age are registered for this week with a total of 102 courses.

[in German:] Gemeinsame Aufnahmetests zum Medizinstudium in Österreich: Insgesamt 12.160 InteressentInnen nahmen teil

Studies & Further Education, University

[in German:] 15.129 BewerberInnen hatten sich für die Teilnahme am MedAT 2016 an Medizinischen Universitäten in Wien, Innsbruck und Graz sowie an der…

MedUni Vienna team takes second place in Paul Ehrlich Contest

Medicine & Science, Studies & Further Education, University

This international contest for medical students also acts as a yardstick for the effectiveness and quality of the universities' academic teaching in…