In Austria, training to become a psychotherapist is regulated by the Psychotherapy Act (PthG) and traditionally takes place in non-university institutes whose subject specifics (FS) have been accredited by the responsible federal ministry.
Since psychotherapy is a curative process, it is sensible and important to establish a connection with the Medical University of Vienna (MedUni Vienna), which can ensure a mutual scientific and clinical reciprocation between psychotherapy and medicine. However, psychotherapy cannot be understood only as a sub-discipline of medicine, since it is partly based on other, namely heuristic epistemological paradigms and consequently also has its own theoretical and empirical research tradition. These epistemological and research paradigms complement biomedical approaches, generating synergy effects.
The university study Psychotherapy: Psychoanalytic/ Psychodynamic Methods (ULG-PPPM) is organised by MedUni Vienna in cooperation with accredited non-university training institutions that are specialist training providers (FS providers) in the field of psychoanalytic/ psychodynamic psychotherapy. MedUni Vienna provides the academic framework and offers scientific training in the field of psychotherapy research up to and including a master's thesis. The FS providers contribute expertise in the field of subject-specific theory of the respective psychotherapy direction as well as practical training to become a psychotherapist.
Our specialist study providers and cooperation partners are:
- Section Group Psychoanalysis in the Austrian Working Group for Group Therapy and Group Dynamics (ÖAGG-GPA) ( - Group Psychoanalysis & Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
- Austrian Working Group for Concentrative Movement Therapy (ÖAKBT) ( - Concentrative Movement Therapy
- Austrian Society for Analytical Psychology (ÖGAP) ( - Analytical Psychology according to C.G. Jung
- Austrian Society for Applied Depth Psychology and General Psychotherapy (ÖGATAP) ( - Katathym Imaginative Psychotherapy, Hypnosis Psychotherapy, Autogenic Psychotherapy
- Vienna Working Group for Psychoanalysis (WAP) ( - Psychoanalysis & Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
- Vienna Psychoanalytic Academy (WPAk) ( - Psychoanalytic-oriented psychotherapy
- Vienna Psychoanalytic Association (WPV) ( - Psychoanalysis & Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
If you are interested in the ULG-PPPM, first decide on a subject-specific training with one of the providers mentioned above and apply for the ULG-PPPM as soon as you are admitted to the subject-specific training. The subject-specific training in accordance with the Psychotherapy Act takes place at the above-mentioned providers, and the training modules on psychotherapy research and the Master's thesis are completed at the Medical University of Vienna. After successful completion of all parts of the training, a master's degree is awarded by MedUni Vienna.