We would like to make all the steps easier for you to get started and graduate with helpful information about our postgraduate studies and certificate courses.
As a participant in our university courses, you are considered an associate student at the Medical University of Vienna. Our courses and programmes are designed to meet the requirements and needs of working people who want to gain further qualifications in a medical field. Some generally applicable rules apply for admission and graduation, which we will inform you about here.
Teaching Center as part of the MedUni Vienna
The Teaching Center is part of the Medical University of Vienna, which has a long tradition as a medical education and research institution and offers high-quality postgraduate training. Founded in 1365 as the Medical Faculty of the University of Vienna, today's MedUni Vienna has been an independent university since January 1, 2004. As Austria's largest medical research institution - equipped with a modern corporate structure - it engages with international competition and new challenges in the medical sciences.