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Allergen avoidance

Allergen avoidance is a challenge, especially in the case of a pollen allergy.

That is why it is so important to give concerned persons instructions how to adapt their behavior to “feel” the allergy less.
Use our forecasts on a regular basis to be prepared for your day and your week. It´s easier to organize your daily life with some preparation.
Apart from that you find some measures that can help here.

Guideline for self-help

Tipps and tricks for allergen avoidance

  • “Protective barriers“ against pollen
    It is easy, but effective: slide the sunglasses on, wear a sun hat or grab your mouth/nose mask (or special pollen filter masks). All those measures are a barrier against an increased contact with pollen and may reduce the allergic burden.
  • Pollen filters and HEPA filters
    Pollen filters provide excellent protection, if they are correctly installed and serviced on a regular basis. This applies to air cleaners as well as to pollen filters in cars, ventilation systems and air-conditioning systems. HEPA filters should be used in air cleaners and vacuum cleaners to filter small particles like pollen that should not be blown out again.
  • Pollen filter screens
    The special structure of the screens prevents the intrusion of about 90% of the pollen through an open window.
  • Indoor plants
    Indoor plants should be enjoyed as well by pollen allergy sufferers. It depends on the right selection. Pay attention to your allergy triggers, to cross-reactivity (as an example: do not chose an olive tree if you suffer from ash pollen allergy) and to potential new allergenic sources (ficus allergy does exist).
  • Clothes and washing/care routines
    Clothes, that were worn outdoors, should be changed at home or at least not been put off in the sleeping room. Freshly washed clothes should not be left outside to dry, because pollen easily collects in wet clothes.
    Taking a shower and washing hair should be postponed to the evening, so that you get to sleep with as less pollen as possible.
  • Sports
    Sports are good for pollen allergy sufferers as well. However, you should do sports indoors during your personal time of allergic burden or in environments poor in pollen. The more air is inhaled, the more pollen is inhaled too. You should try out a step-by-step approach in a careful and responsible way at best upon consultation with your allergologist to find your personal optimal conditions.
  • Gardening
    Gardening should not be done by persons suffering from pollen allergies. This is especially true for cutting gras. Additional allergen is set free during mowing/cutting gras.
  • Avoid fields
    Flowering corn fields and rapeseed fields can be an additional burden for some persons concerned.
  • The right destination at the right time
    If you suffer from grass pollen allergy you should note that the flower of grasses starts in the lowlands and shifts to the middle and higher altitudes later in the season. This means at the start of the grass pollen season, you can escape to higher altitudes.
    Forests are suitable for day trips, if you pay attention to the situation: is your allergen present there or flowers at the given time? Alluvial forests are not recommended for persons with hazel and alder pollen allergy from January to March.
  • Holiday planning
    Holiday planning should be taken seriously. Holidays should provide urgently needed recovery, because humidity, altitude and temperature also influence the degree of swelling of the mucous membranes.
    Universal recommendations still say: to the sea or up in the mountains! There is more to pay attention to. Seacoast grasses grow at the sea or long distant transport may reach the remote vacation island.
    The mountains are ideal for allergies against house dust mites or fungal spores: those are reduced with increasing altitude. The flower of plants is shifted in terms of time in the mountains and takes place later. The flower of green alder is an exception, because it exclusively occurs at higher altitudes.
    We recommend retrieving as much information as possible from national pollen services or pollen allergy self-help groups to get to know the situation at your holiday destination.
  • Drink enough water 
    You should drink enough water to keep your mucous membranes moist.
  • Little helpers
    A cold, wet washcloth or a cold, wet handkerchief helps irritated eyes.
    A nose shower with isotonic or hypotonic saline solution may relieve the nose.
  • Medicine cabinet
    As allergy sufferer you should always have sufficient medication that you need at home and check and discuss it with your allergologist on a regular basis before your season starts.
  • Abstinence
    Alcohol should be avoided, because it expands the blood vessels and makes mucous membranes more permeable to allergens.
  • Smoke-free
    Cigarette smoking plays an important role in the development of allergies and worsens the burden of an existing allergy. This should be kept in mind especially concerning children (passive smoking harms)!
    The Medical University of Vienna supports you in becoming smoke-free and here you find contact points.