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Video Highlight: How to properly remove Ragweed

To prevent the reoccurrence of ragweed, the neophyte should be removed before flowering and seed ripening. Pulling it out is the most effective method (Video from 13th of August 2024; location: 1230 Vienna; ©Katharina Bastl (MedUni Vienna/Pollenservice Vienna)).

Ragweed tends to grow in fallow land, along fields, as well as on construction sites and in bird feeding areas. When removing ragweed it is important for pollen allergy sufferers to take protective measures. Wearing a mask and sunglasses when the flowers are open minimizes contact with pollen. Wearing gloves helps to prevent potential skin reactions. Pulled plants should neither be thrown in the organic waste nor be composted to avoid further seed dispersal. It is best to dispose of the plants in a plastic bag in the residual waste. A big thank you to everyone who removes ragweed!

Video Highlight: The pollination period of ragweed starts

First ragweed individuals are in flower (Video on 24th of July 2024; location: field in the outskirts of Vienna; ©Maximilian Bastl (MedUni Vienna/Pollenservice Vienna)).

Here you can see ragweed plants growing densely at the edge of a field. The first inflorescences have opened and can cause pollination locally.

Video Highlight: Final phase of the main grass pollination period 2024 starts

Ryegrass is typically found in meadows and on waysides and is currently in its main pollination period (Video on 07th of June 2024; location: 1220 Vienna; ©Karen Kölzer (MedUni Vienna/Pollenservice Vienna)).

Here you can see ryegrass growing in front of the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES), in the north of Vienna.

Video Highlight: Final phase of the main grass pollination period 2024 starts

Many grasses growing on sunny locations in and around Vienna have already faded (Video on 04th of June 2024; location: Steinhofgründe, Vienna; ©Maximilian Bastl (MedUni Vienna/Pollenservice Vienna)).

Here you can see extensive meadow areas, where grasses already faded and finished flowering. The ryegrass has already reached its readiness to flower but currently does not release pollen regionwide in Vienna and the surrouning areas. 

Video Highlight: flower of the tree of heaven 2024

The tree of heaven is currently in full flower (Video on 29th of May 2024; location: 1150, Vienna; ©Maximilian Bastl (MedUni Vienna/Pollenservice Vienna)). Despite insect pollination, the pollen of this invasive neophyte can cause allergic symptoms.

High pollen levels occur, especially in urban areas and near flowering specimens. Here is a mature tree of heaven in full flower being pollinated by a honeybee.

Video Highlight: main pollination period of grasses 2024

The downy oat-grass and the fescue grasses are currently in its main pollination period (Video on 19th of May 2024; location: Lainzer Tiergarten, Vienna; ©Maximilian Bastl (MedUni Vienna/Pollenservice Vienna)).

High pollination due to the release of grass pollen is possible especially close to flowering fields and meadows. Here you can see a meadow full of flowering fescue grass and downy oat-grass individuals.

Video Highlight: poplar cotton wool during the grass pollen season 2024

Currently poplar cotton wool can be spotted again in many places like here (Video on 4th of May 2024; location: Liesing, Vienna; ©Maximilian Bastl (MedUni Vienna/Pollenservice Vienna)).

Poplar cotton wool is a combination of seed hairs and threads of poplar. It is often determined wrong as pollen.  Here you can see a fruiting poplar that is releasing its seeds as white flakes in the air.

Video Highlight: start of the region-wide pollination of grasses 2024 in Vienna

The field meadow foxtail grass is currently in its main pollination period (Video on 25th of April 2024; location: Liesing, Vienna; ©Maximilian Bastl (MedUni Vienna/Pollenservice Vienna)).

Region-wide pollination of grasses in Vienna is possible under favorable conditions. Here you can see one of many flowering field meadow foxtail grasses, that already pollinates and releases the pollen in the air.

Video Highlight: main pollination period of birch 2024

The main pollination period of birch was reached during the week of 18th of March 2024 in Vienna (Video on 23rd of March 2024; location: Liesing, Vienna; ©Maximilian Bastl (MedUni Vienna/Pollenservice Vienna))

Therefore, constant high pollination is expected under favorable conditions. Here you can see birch catkins, that already pollinate and releases the pollen as yellow cloud when slightly touching them .

Video Highlight: first pollination of birch 2024

Video eines stäubenden Birkenkätzchens
The first birch trees reached their readiness to flower during the week of 11th of March 2024 (Video on 15th of March 2024; location: Liesing, Vienna; ©Maximilian Bastl (MedUni Vienna/Pollenservice Vienna))

The first birch trees reached their readiness to flower during the week of 11th of March 2024.
Therefore, first pollination takes place under favorable conditions. Here you can see a birch catkin, that already pollinates and releases the pollen as yellow cloud.

Video Highlight: flower of alder 2024

blühende Kätzchen der Schwarzerle
Alder is currently in full flower (Video on 7th of February 2024; location: Wasserpark, Floridsdorf, Vienna; ©Katharina Bastl (MedUni Vienna/Pollenservice Vienna))

Alder already exceeds hazel concerning intensity of pollination in Vienna. Black alder shows many catkins this year as can be seen in the video. Therefore, we expect an above average alder pollen season in intensity for 2024.

Video Highlight: full flower of hazel 2024

Hazel is currently in full flower (Video on 7th of February 2024; location: Wasserpark, Floridsdorf, Vienna; ©Katharina Bastl (MedUni Vienna/Pollenservice Vienna)).

At the moment you can observe hazel catkins in nearly every stage of its flower: still closed, flowering and even faded. The hazel shrubs, like here in the video, show a fair number of catkins this year. But no hasty worries: we expect a hazel pollen season below average in intensity for Vienna, also because the hazel tree as frequently planted city tree shows low numbers of catkins.

Video Highlight: pollination of the Spaeth´s alder 2023/24

The Spaeth´s alder has shown a fast flower. (Video on 3rd of January 2024; ©Katharina Bastl)

Brief review: the start of the flower was later than usual, the readiness to flower was reached shortly after Christmas and was followed by a rapid start of flower. The mild weather of the last week in the end of the year 2023 has accelerated the flower. The catkins have finished flowering already within the first week of January.

Background: The Spaeth´s alder is a hybrid that flowers around Christmas and occurs only planted in Vienna. Therefore, it does only cause local and not widespread, measurable pollination.