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Pollenservice Wien

We provide here pollen forecasts and recommendations, that are based on our scientifically evaluated data and our expertise. It is our aim to inform persons concerned by pollen allergies in Vienna in a most comprehensive, accurate way and free of charge.

Video Highlight: poplar cotton wool during the grass pollen season 2024

Currently poplar cotton wool can be spotted again in many places like here (Video on 4th of May 2024; location: Liesing, Vienna; ©Maximilian Bastl (MedUni Vienna/Pollenservice Vienna)).

Poplar cotton wool is a combination of seed hairs and threads of poplar. It is often determined wrong as pollen.  Here you can see a fruiting poplar that is releasing its seeds as white flakes in the air.

Current pollination

Pollen types:Grasses, Oak, Ash, Nettle family


Hardly/no pollination
high pollination

Due to current cause:

Poplar cotton wool is currently flying again in many places. Here you can see a fruiting poplar (top left), as well as its seeds and seed hairs as white flakes in the surrounding grass areas (bottom left) and on the ground (right).

Currently there is a lot of poplar cotton wool on the move, which can be found as white flakes in the air or on the ground. Poplar cotton wool is the seed hairs and seed threads of the poplar tree and is completely harmless. These flakes are not pollen and do not contain allergenic proteins, hence they are hypoallergenic. Poplar seed hairs and seed threads can even filter pollen from allergenic plants, such as grass pollen, from the air. Poplar pollen is usually found in the air from February to early April and is no longer responsible for allergic reactions at this time of year. However, the poplar seed hairs and seed threads usually occur together with the grass pollen season and the symptoms are therefore often incorrectly attributed to the white flakes.

Photo: The main pollination period of grasses is about to start: flowering tall fescue (top left), flowering Manna ash (bottom left) and flowering spikelets of tall fescue (right).

Mid- and long-term forecast for Vienna
This forecast gives you an overview for a longer time period so that you can improve your planning.

Unfavorable weather conditions limit grass pollination!

The flowering of the grasses is slowly entering the next stage. Many allergologically relevant grass species are currently in bloom. The flower of meadow foxtail grass has faded. Also the flower of meadow bluegrass has ended in many areas. Orchard grass and false-oat grass are still in their main pollination period. In addition, also the fescue grasses have started to flower. Brome grass and honey grass are flowering as well. From a phenological point of view, we are already in the main pollination period of the grass pollen season in Vienna. However, the region wide pollen concentrations are still not at a high level. Due to the unfavorable weather conditions over the next few days, high grass pollen concentrations are not expected.

Dock and plantain are flowering in Vienna’s meadows as well. Higher pollen concentrations have to be expected especially near unmown sections of meadows.

The manna-ash is flowering in Vienna and can still cause pollination if weather conditions are favorable. As a late flowering, insect-pollinated species that is often planted in urban areas it can still release pollen locally in streets and parks until May. However, the pollen concentrations of manna ash in Vienna already decreased in the last few days.

The first pollen of the nettle family are also already detected in the pollen trap. However, the concentrations are still low.

Pollination profile


  • state of the flower: main flower/pollination
  • trend: constant
  • time of the start of the flower: earlier than average

The usual times of pollination can be found in our pollen calendars.

Tip of the season:
Not every person affected by grass pollen allergy reacts equally to every flowering grass during the season. The pollen calendars of the Pollenservice Vienna list the most allergologically important grass species and their pollination periods. This calendar is based on field observations and is specifically tailored to the Vienna region.

Pollen spectrum:
Pollen of walnut tree, mulberry tree, elderberry, spruce, pine and horse chestnut occur as well.

Current main allergen: Grasses

Grass pollen allergy is the most prevalent pollen allergy in Vienna!
Pollination time in Vienna:
April to September; decorative grasses extend the pollination time into autumn!

Occurrence in Vienna: The sweet grass family (Poaceae) is prevalent and found nearly everywhere. Natural monuments, parks, the banks of the Danube and obviously all areas (meadows/lawns), that are mowed infrequently, are hot spots.

Who are “the grasses“?
There are many genera and species of relevance for persons concerned, especially because reactions to different taxa of the family are individual. Those grasses, that are of highest relevance for a grass pollen allergy, are mentioned in the following.
Bluegrass (Poa pratensis): flowers from April to June. It is sowed frequently for lawns and pastures.
Orchard grass (Dactylis glomerata): flowers from May to June. It occurs frequently (especially on meadows, roadsides, ruderal areas).
Falseoat-grass (Arrhenatherum elatius): flowers from May to July. Falseoat-grass prefers pastures and clearings.
Fescue grass (Festuca sp.): flowers from May to July. This genus is species-rich and prefers marshes like fine lawns, but also alluvial forests and roadsides.
Perennial rye grass (Lolium perenne): flowers from June to July. Perennial rye grass grows frequently on meadows and pastures and is used as pasture grass.
Timothy grass (Phleum pratense): flowers from June to September. Timothy grass is an allergologically famous gras but plays a minor role in Vienna due to its infrequent distribution. It prefers natural areas.
Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon): flowers from July to August. Bermuda grass is a neophyte in Europa and a light and heat indicator.
Cereals (cultivated rye, wheat and maize): Cereals belong as well to the sweet grass family. Grain fields in vicinity of Vienna may cause locally increased pollination, although cereal pollen is in general larger and thus not transported as far. Cultivated rye flowers usually from May to June, wheat from June to July and maize from July to August.

Cross-reactivity to pollen of other plants: Grass pollen is highly cross-reactive among pollen of other grasses

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