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Pollenservice Wien

We provide here pollen forecasts and recommendations, that are based on our scientifically evaluated data and our expertise. It is our aim to inform persons concerned by pollen allergies in Vienna in a most comprehensive, accurate way and free of charge.

Current pollination

Pollen types:Fungal spores, Mugwort, Grasses, Nettle family


Hardly/no pollination
high pollination

Due to current cause:

The goldenrod is flowering in Vienna. This neophyte typically blooms between July and October.

The Canadian goldenrod (Solidago canadensis) and the giant goldenrod (Solidago gigantea) are considered invasive neophytes in Europe and were originally introduced from North America as ornamental plants and bee pastures. They spread rapidly in dry grasslands and fallow areas, displacing native light-loving plants. The goldenrod is insect-pollinated, so allergic reactions from pollen only occur locally. However, in close proximity and especially indoor, allergic symptoms can still occur due to cross-reactivity with mugwort and ragweed pollen. Additionally, contact with the plant sap can cause allergic skin irritations.

Flowering mugwort (left), flower heads in detail (right)

Photo: Flowering mugwort in the suburbs of Vienna.

Mid- and long-term forecast for Vienna
This forecast gives you an overview for a longer time period so that you can improve your planning.

The concentrations of fungal spores stay on high levels, mugwort and grasses cause pollination as well!
The current main season aeroallergen, the fungal spores, continue to be present in high quantities in the air. This situation will last until late summer. Most fungal spores benefit from the summer-like weather and humid and warm conditions. The concentrations attain high levels, especially during sunny periods following rainfall. Currently, spores of the genera Cladosporium and Alternaria are mainly found in the Vienna pollen trap.

Mugwort is flowering in Vienna and area-wide pollination is already observed. Pollen concentrations in the air slowly increase, but are still on a low level. Also goldenrod is flowering in Vienna. The close proximity to flowering individuals can lead to allergic symptoms in mugwort and/or ragweed pollen allergy sufferers due to high cross-reactivity.

Noticeable pollen concentrations of grasses are still being measured but remain on a lower level. Most native grass species have ended their pollination period, however rebloom phases of some species are still possible if weather conditions are favorable. Heat-loving grass species such as ornamental grasses and neophytes such as Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon) can also continue to release pollen until late summer. The pollination period of ornamental grasses started earlier than usual in Vienna and will accompany grass pollen allergy sufferers for a while. Ornamental grasses are increasingly found in urban areas, extending the grass pollen season noticeably. Flowering grasses can be expected in the forests surrounding Vienna, especially in shady and semi-shady areas. Also maize pollen has been detected in the air and may cause symptoms near fields in flower.

Dock and plantain are flowering in Vienna’s meadows and grass verges as well. Higher pollen concentrations have to be expected especially near unmown sections of meadows.

Pollen of nettles and pellitory is observed in our pollen trap and reaches high concentrations under favorable weather conditions.

Pollination profile

Fungal spores:

  • state of the season: main season/high concentrations
  • trend: constant
  • time of the start of the season: earlier than average


  • state of the flower: start of the flower/pollination
  • trend: constant
  • time of the start of the flower: average


  • state of the flower: end of the flower/pollination
  • trend: constant
  • time of the start of the flower: earlier than average

The usual times of pollination can be found in our pollen calendars.

Tip of the season:
Not every person affected by grass pollen allergy reacts equally to every flowering grass during the season. The pollen calendars of the Pollenservice Vienna list the most allergologically important grass species and their pollination periods. This calendar is based on field observations and is specifically tailored to the Vienna region.

Pollen spectrum:
Pollen of the goosefoot family, scorpionweeds, Japanese pagoda tree, hop and mercury occur as well.

Current main allergen: Fungal spores

Exposure time in Vienna: May to October

Occurrence in Vienna: The molds in focus here thrive on vegetation. This ranges from potting soil to grain fields. Note: The concentration of fungal spores outdoor has nothing to do with the occurrence of molds indoors.

Who are “the fungal spores“?
The spores of the molds Alternaria and Cladosporium are of allergological importance, especially the former. The here discussed fungal spores are the most important ones for ambient air. There is a high diversity of molds, that are present indoors and can spread on food. Molds may cause allergies, but also toxic reactions escalating to mycosis (invasion of the inner organs).
Alternaria belongs to the blackness-fungi. It grows primarily on vegetation and causes plant diseases that can result in crop failures (fruit, cereals). Persons concerned should not mow the lawn, since it is often located on dry plants. However, Alternaria is also found in the living area.
Cladosporium belongs as well to the blackness-fungi. It prefers forests, gardens, and swamps. It is the most common fungal spore in ambient air.

Cross-reactivity: In general, there is cross-reactivity to spores of other molds (e.g. Aspergillus, Epicoccum).

The GeoSphere Austria is our partner for weather forecasts and weather data. We are grateful for the professional interchange and the cooperation.