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Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition

Doctoral Programme (UN790)
Programme courses
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Programme Coordinator

Clemens Fürnsinn

Programme structure

Doctoral Programme (UN790)
Duration: 6 semesters (180 ECTS)
Degree: Dr. scient. med.

After initial elucidation of endocrine regulatory mechanisms principal metabolic pathways in the midst of the 20th century, advances in molecular biology, experimental methodology, and clinical insight have paved the way for scientific progress and novel therapies. A prerequisite for this progress is the availability of trained researchers. It is the aim of the thematic program "Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism, and Nutrition" to train students for modern and comprehensive scientific challenges with particular focus on clinical research.

The topics related to endocrinology, metabolism and nutrition extend into many subjects including internal medicine, gynecology, pediatrics, surgery, nutritional medicine, and more. Thematically, the program comprises this broad field with specific focus on clinical science. The elaboration of the thesis project is the predominant effort in the doctoral program and results in the compilation of the doctoral thesis. Research work is accompanied by lectures and courses, which are to provide broad basic knowledge in endocrinology and metabolism. This includes Propedeutics, lectures and practical courses, as well as seminars for interaction between the students, where scientific results arising from the literature and from the projects of the participating students are critically discussed.

For general questions about the doctoral & PhD programme

We have collected all information about our PhD studies for you in our FAQ section. Please contact us directly by Email for any questions left unanswered and make an appointment with us. We will be pleased to provide you with information on any arising questions from recruiting to details about the complete academic calendar.