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General University Entrance Qualification

For admission to the diploma studies in human medicine/dentistry, the general university entrance qualification is required.

Proof of the "general university entrance qualification".

Pursuant to section 64(1) of the Universities Act 2002 - UG, the "general university entrance qualification" shall be evidenced by one of the following documents:

  1. an Austrian secondary leaving certificate, an Austrian Reife- und Diplomprüfungszeugnis or an Austrian certificate of the Berufsreifeprüfung and certificates equivalent thereto by agreement under international law (Ordinance on Groups of Persons - PersGV, billateral agreements);
  2. an Austrian certificate on the recognition of the right to study for a certain group of studies at a university, college of education or university of applied sciences;
  3. a certificate of completion of at least three years of study (on a full-time basis or 180 ECTS credits) at a recognised domestic or foreign post-secondary educational institution;
  4. in the case of artistic studies, confirmation of the positively assessed entrance examination (Note: this is not relevant for admission to the Medical University of Vienna!)
  5. an "IB Diploma" obtained in accordance with the regulations of the "International Baccalaureate Organisation";
  6. a "European Baccalaureate Diploma" in accordance with Article 5(2) of the Agreement on the Statute of the European Schools, Federal Law Gazette III No. 173/2005

In addition, the general university entrance qualification pursuant to section 64(2) UG may be proven by a foreign qualification if there is no substantial difference to the general university entrance qualification pursuant to section 64(1) Z 1. A substantial difference does not exist in any case if                   

  • the qualification gives access to all sectors of higher education institutions in the country of issue,
  • the duration of schooling is at least twelve years, and
  • general education contents predominate, as evidenced by the completion of six general education subjects (two languages, mathematics, one science subject, one humanities subject and one further general education subject) in the upper secondary level.

NOTE: A federal vocational baccalaureate certificate from Switzerland or a certificate of entrance qualification for studies at universities of applied sciences from Germany is generally not sufficient for the proof of general university entrance qualification.

Additional information on foreign certificates:

Between Austria and many other countries, the equivalence of matriculation certificates is determined by multilateral or bilateral agreements. Matriculation certificates issued in such countries constitute sufficient proof of general university entrance qualifications. For further information, see e.g. Information on university entrance qualifications

Further information on the recognition system in Austria can also be found on the websites of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research and ENIC NARIC Austria.

If the equivalence of foreign certificates is not given with regard to the contents and requirements of an Austrian school leaving certificate, the Rectorate shall prescribe the supplementary examinations (preparation program) which are necessary to establish equivalence with a domestic school leaving certificate and which must be taken before admission to regular studies.


If the period of schooling pursuant to section 64(2) Z 2 UG is only eleven years or if general education contents pursuant to section 64(2) Z 3 UG are missing, the rectorate may prescribe a total of up to four supplementary examinations to be taken prior to admission to ordinary studies.

If the period of schooling according to section 64(2) Z 2 UG is only ten years (or less), the proof of general university entrance qualification is not sufficient and cannot be compensated with supplementary examinations.