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Admission to the Medicine and Dentistry Degree Programme

The admission to the Medicine and Dentistry degree programmes at MedUni Vienna is identical and divided into several levels. Here you can find out all you need to know to start your degree.

Admission Procedure

Three steps are basically needed for the admission to the Medicine or Dentistry degree programmes:

  • The Admissions test
  • The Grading
  • The Admission itself

Apart from that, additional steps may be necessary, depending on the individual case. Please be sure to check exactly which peculiarities may apply to your case.

Admissions Test

Before being granted admission to a degree programme at MedUni Vienna, an admissions test (MedAT) is required for all prospective students.

Supplementary Examinations

In some situations, supplementary examinations will have to be taken. Here you can learn when these are necessary and which ones you need to take.

German Knowledge & Preparation Programme

The language of instruction in the degree programmes at MedUni Vienna is German. International applicants have the opportunity to optimise their language skills.

Admission Requirements

The admission requirements mostly depend on where you obtained your secondary school
leaving qualification. The number of available places is contingent on that.

Admission Process

For the admission at the Medical University of Vienna, applicants should take a few points into account, so that the start of their university career will be as smooth as possible.

Admission with university entrance qualification examination

Even if you do not have a secondary school leaving qualification, you do not have to abstain from studying at MedUni Vienna.

Admission with Vocational university entrance qualification

A vocational matriculation examination (“Berufsreifeprüfung”) is another possible path to admission at the Medical University of Vienna.

Admission for Career Changers

How does the admission to the Medicine or Dentistry degree programmes at MedUni Vienna take place for career changers?