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Karin Schindler
Priv.Doz. Karin Schindler, PhD

Department of Medicine III (Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism)
Position: Research Associate (Postdoc)

T +43 1 40400 72570


Bariatric Medicine; Malnutrition; Micronutrients; Obesity, Morbid

Research interests

My main research focus is to understand:
- the implications of bariatric surgery on dietary intake and nutritional status of morbid obese patients.
- the main influencing factors in the development and treatment of disease and age related malnutrition.

Furthermore I am interested in education and policy development in the field of obesity, diabetes and clinical nutrition and public health. In respect to policy development 


Techniques, methods & infrastructure


Selected publications

  1. Schindler K, Pernicka E, Laviano A, Schuetz T, Schneider S M, Singer P, Pichard C, Howard P, Kondrup J, Jonkers C, Grecu I, Ljungqvist O, Mouhieddine M, Schuh C, Bauer P, Hiesmayr M, Team. T N A. How Nutritional Risk is Assessed and Managed in European Hospitals: A survey of 21007 patients. Findings from the 2007-2008 cross-sectional nutritionDay survey. Clin Nutr 2010;29:552-9
  2. Schindler K, Themessl-Huber M, Hiesmayr M, Kosak M, Lainscak M, Laviano A, Ljungqvist O, Mouhieddine M, Schneider S, de van der Schueren M,Schütz T, Schuh C, Singer P, Bauer P, Pichard C. To eat or not to eat? Indicators for reduced food intake in 91 245 patients hospitalised on nutritionDays 2006,
  3. Lainscak M, Farkas J, Frantal S, Singer P, Bauer P, Hiesmayr M, Schindler K. Self-rated health, nutritional intake and mortality in adult hospitalized patients. Eur J Clin Invest 2014;44:813-24
  4. de Bruin JS, Schuh C, Seeling W, Luger E, Gall M, Hutterer E, Kornek G, Ludvik B, Hoppichler F, Schindler K. Assessing the feasibility of a mobile health-supported clinical decision support system for nutritional triage in oncology outpatients using Arden Syntax. Artif Intell Med. 2015; pii: S0933-3657(15)00139-6.
  5. Yumuk V, Tsigos C, Fried M, Schindler K, Busetto L, Micic D, Toplak H. European Guidelines for Obesity Management in Adults. Obes Facts 2016;8:402-24.