Eating Disorders; Epidemiologic Measurements; Epidemiology; Internet; Mental Health; Primary Prevention; Secondary Prevention
Research group(s)
- Child and Adolescent Psychiatry including Eating Disorders
Research Area: eating disorders and associated diseases
Research interests
- Eating Disorders
- Adolescents
- Epidemiology of psychiatric disorders
- E-Mental Health
- Prevention
- Research methods
Techniques, methods & infrastructure
- Epidemiological Assessments
- Randomized-controlled clinical trials
- Quantitative and qualitative research
Selected publications
- Zeiler, M. et al., 2016. Prevalence of Eating Disorder Risk and Associations with Health-related Quality of Life: Results from a Large School-based Population Screening. European Eating Disorders Review, 24(1), pp.9–18. Available at:
- Zeiler, M. et al., 2018. The Mental Health in Austrian Teenagers (MHAT) Study: design, methodology, description of study population. neuropsychiatrie, 32(3), pp.121–132. Available at:
- Jones Bell, M. et al., 2019. Healthy Teens @ School: Evaluating and disseminating transdiagnostic preventive interventions for eating disorders and obesity for adolescents in school settings. Internet Interventions, 16, pp.65–75. Available at:
- Wagner, G. et al., 2017. Mental health problems in Austrian adolescents: a nationwide, two-stage epidemiological study applying DSM-5 criteria. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 26(12), pp.1483–1499. Available at:
- Philipp, J. et al., 2018. Prevalence of emotional and behavioral problems and subthreshold psychiatric disorders in Austrian adolescents and the need for prevention. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 53(12), pp.1325–1337. Available at: