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Michelle Epstein
Michelle EpsteinResearcher

Department of Dermatology

ORCID: 0000-0002-4755-0224
T +43 1 40160-63009


Allergy and Immunology; Animal models; Asthma; Biocompatible Materials; Biomimetic Materials

Research group(s)

  • Experimental Allergy Laboratory
    Head: Michelle Epstein
    Research Area: The experimental allergy laboratory focuses on the elucidation of the basic mechanisms underlying the initiation and perpetuation of allergic disease. We use experimental models of allergy such as allergic asthma, food allergy and response to foreign materials to address disease susceptibility, the factors governing disease severity, chronicity and predictability of allergenicity and for drug discovery.

Research interests

The experimental allergy laboratory focuses on elucidating the basic mechanisms underlying the initiation and perpetuation of allergic disease. We use experimental models of allergy such as allergic asthma, food allergy and response to foreign materials to address disease susceptibility, the factors governing disease severity, chronicity and predictability of allergenicity and for drug discovery.

Techniques, methods & infrastructure

Cellular immunology, experimental animal models for the study of allergic disease, asthma and biomaterials.


Selected publications

  1. Lake, I.R. et al., 2016. Climate Change and Future Pollen Allergy in Europe. Environmental Health Perspectives, 125(3).
  2. Riba, M. et al., 2016. Revealing the acute asthma ignorome: characterization and validation of uninvestigated gene networks. Scientific Reports, 6(1)
  3. Hamaoui-Laguel, L. et al., 2015. Effects of climate change and seed dispersal on airborne ragweed pollen loads in Europe. Nature Climate Change, 5(8), pp.766-771
  4. Schliehe, C. et al., 2014. The methyltransferase Setdb2 mediates virus-induced susceptibility to bacterial superinfection. Nature Immunology, 16(1), pp.67-74
  5. Kazemi, S., Danisman, E. and Epstein, M.M. (2023) ‘Animal Models for the Study of Food Allergies’, Current Protocols, 3(3). Available at: