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Peter Petzelbauer
Prof. Peter PetzelbauerProf. of Microvascular Research

Department of Dermatology
Position: Professor

ORCID: 0000-0001-7080-5259
T +43 1 40400 73786


Dermatology; Lymphangiogenesis; Melanoma

Research interests

The Skin & Endothelium Research Division SERD is a basic biomedical research laboratory. With our work at the cutting edge of dermatology we strive to contribute to a better understanding of skin-specific endothelial responses in inflammation and cancer. This understanding will lead directly to applied research projects with our partners and will ultimately have an impact on new therapies for endothelial responses to inflammation and tumor growth.

Techniques, methods & infrastructure

 Qualitative and quantitative methods in protein biochemistry and molecular biology, cell and tissue culture, transfection of cells, expression and purification of recombinant proteins, sub cellular fractionation and analysis of subcellular fractions, flow cytometry, histology and immuno-histochemistry, metastatic melanoma mouse models, models for acute lung injury.