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Hassan Ali Shokoohi Tabrizi
Mag. Hassan Ali Shokoohi TabriziHead of Core Facility Applied Physics, Laser and CAD/CAM



Research interests

The mission of the Core Facility Applied Physics, Laser and CAD/CAM Technology is fundamental research, which is essential in dealing with issues in both material science and methodology in dentistry.

Techniques, methods & infrastructure

The Core Facility contains two scanning electron microscopes:

  • Hitachi scanning electron microscope TM 1000
  • FEI scanning electron microscope Quanta 200

These devices enable material examinations in the following display methods:

  • via secondary electrons (SE)
  • via back-scattered electrons (RE)
  • environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM)

In the ESEM mode, organic material can be examined optically without additional surface processing of the sample (interference-free).

In addition, material analyses can be executed using an EDX analysis device (energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy).