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Anton Staudenherz
a.o. Univ. Prof. Dr. Anton Staudenherz

Department of Biomedical Imaging and Image-guided Therapy (Division of Nuclear Medicine)
Position: Professor

ORCID: 0000-0003-4616-875X
T +43 1 40400 55510 or 55515


Cardiology; Clinical Competence; Kidney; Medical Oncology; Orthopedics; Radiation; Radiation Effects; Radionuclide Imaging; Referral and Consultation

Research interests

My main research focus is clinically oriented. It is a special concern that the achieved results could be transferred to nuclear medicine routine.
The worked on subjects enclose mainly radiation protection and the diagnostics of renal disease.

Techniques, methods & infrastructure

prospektive and retrospective application research

Selected publications

  1. Geist, B.K. et al., 2015. WWSSF - a worldwide study on radioisotopic renal split function. Nuclear Medicine Communications, 36(12), pp.1233-1238. Available at:
  2. Leitha, T. & Staudenherz, A., 2012. Hybrid PET/CT and SPECT/CT Imaging. Computed Tomography - Clinical Applications. Available at:
  3. Asenbaum, U. et al., 2016. Evaluation of [18F]-FDG-Based Hybrid Imaging Combinations for Assessment of Bone Marrow Involvement in Lymphoma at Initial Staging K. Chen, ed. PLOS ONE, 11(10), p.e0164118. Available at:
  4. Staudenherz, A. & Sinzinger, H., 2012. �Nuclear� medicine physicians as communicators: their point of view on the aftermath of �nuclear� disaster. Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift, 162(3-4), pp.60-66. Available at:
  5. Leitha, T. et al., 1994. Effectiveness of coronary heart disease risk management in high-risk patients. Clinical Cardiology, 17(3), pp.123-130. Available at: