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Daniel Aletaha
Univ.-Prof.Dr. Daniel Aletaha, MD, MS, MBAHead of Division of Rheumatology

Department of Medicine III (Division of Rheumatology)
Position: Professor

ORCID: 0000-0003-2108-0030
T +43 1 40400 43010


Artificial Intelligence; Clinical Immunology; Clinical Medicine; Clinical Trial; Diagnosis, Differential; Epidemiology; Rheumatology; Translational Medical Research

Research interests

Our main interest is to connect basic, translational and clinical science to (1) advance our understanding of mechanisms of diease, (2) to confirm and test hypothesis in animal models and organ cultures, and to (3) take these findings to the experimental setting in human (clinical trials).

Besinde the interference with the established disease process, a key interest is the early recognition, prediction and potential prevention of disease, as well as the understanding and prevention of the impact of rheumatic disease on affecteed individuals.

Techniques, methods & infrastructure

Our spectrum ranges from cell biology, immune cell signalling, cell-cell interactions, the use of cellc ultures and tissue organoids for experimental approaches, and experimental animal models, to translational precision medicine using predictive / diagnostic biomarker studies, and experimental designs in humans (with focus in clinical trials, Phase III and IV).

Our biomarker spectrum includes detailed clinical phenotyping, serological and biochemical assessment, and imaging.

Large clinical datesets and biobanks are interlinked to host and connect these biomarkers.