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Florian Frommlet
Florian Frommlet

Center for Medical Data Science (Institute of Medical Statistics)
Position: Associate Professor

T +43 1 40400 74920

Further Information


Biostatistics; Genetics; Models, Statistical

Research interests

My research interests include statistical applications in genetics and molecular biology (Genome-wide association studies, QTL mapping, etc.), Multiple testing and model selection (both theory and application, high-dimensional data, in particular under sparsity assumptions, frequentist and Bayesian approaches, Nonlinear Bayesian modeling, development of new model selection criteria), Optimization problems occurring in statistics (genetic algorithms , mixed integer problems). More recently I have put more emphasis on questions of study design and reproducibility in animal trials.


Selected publications

  1. Frommlet, F. (2023) ‘A neutral comparison of algorithms to minimize L0 penalties for high‐dimensional variable selection’, Biometrical Journal, 66(1). Available at:
  2. Frommlet, F. & Heinze, G., 2020. Experimental replications in animal trials. Laboratory Animals, p.002367722090761. Available at:
  3. Hubin, A., Storvik, G. and Frommlet, F. (2021) ‘Flexible Bayesian Nonlinear Model Configuration’, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 72, pp. 901–942. Available at:
  4. Grüninger, S.L. and Frommlet, F. (2024) ‘Half the price, twice the gain: How to simultaneously decrease animal numbers and increase precision with good experimental design’, Laboratory Animals, 58(5), pp. 411–418. Available at:
  5. Bogdan, M. et al., 2011. Asymptotic Bayes-optimality under sparsity of some multiple testing procedures. The Annals of Statistics, 39(3), pp.1551–1579. Available at: