Department of Neurosurgery
Position: Associate Professor
ORCID: 0000-0002-6638-3476
T +43 1 4040045510
Arteriovenous Malformations; Cerebrovascular Disorders; Neuroimaging; Neuroimmunology; Neurooncology; Radiosurgery
Research interests
After completion of my MD studies I was admitted to Prof. Hans Lassmann’s lab for my PhD studies in neuroscience at the Medical University of Vienna in collaboration with Prof. C. Lucchinetti's lab at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA. During my residency at the Department of Neurosurgery I was admitted to the scientific career development program / tenure track of the Medical University Vienna. I spent one year as a postdoctoral research fellow / Schroedinger fellow at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA in collaboration with the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC), California, USA. After rejoining the Department of Neurosurgery, MUV, I became a board certified neurosurgeon and specialized in Gamma Knife radiosurgery. Thus, in the course of my clinical scientific studies I focussed on Gamma Knife radiosurgery as a modern neurosurgical treatment tool, leading to my venia docendi in neurosurgery. In addition to my clinical work as a radiosurgical specialist and my teaching obligations, I am leading the radiosurgery and neurovascular surgery lab at our department. Part of my lab are several diploma students, research trainees and PhD students. We are conducting numerous scientific projects, including prospective collaboration studies in the fields of radiosurgery, vascular neurosurgery and neuroradiology.