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Judit Simon
Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Judit Simon, BA, BSc, MSc, DPhil, FFPHHead of Department/Deputy Head of Center

Center for Public Health (Department of Health Economics)
Position: Professor

ORCID: 0000 0001 9279 8627
T +43 1 40160 34841

Further Information


Health economics; Health Services Research; Health system performance assessment; Mental Health; Public Health

Research interests

My main expertise include applied and methodological health economic evaluation research, planning and conducting clinical studies/RCTs/HTAs/clinical guidelines with cost-effectiveness considerations, health services research, health systems research, outcomes research (e.g. capability research), cost and economic burden studies, and evidence synthesis. I have led numerous health economic projects in the fields of mental health, public health, cancer and chronic diseases, palliative/end-of-life care and nutrition.

Techniques, methods & infrastructure

Within-study and modelling-based economic evaluations, multi-national costing and outcome assessment methods, systematic literature review and meta-analysis.