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Michaela Wagner-Menghin
Michaela Wagner-Menghin

Teaching Center
Position: Associate Professor

ORCID: 0000-0003-1645-7577

Further Information


Communication; Educational Measurement; Educational Technology; Learning; Self-Assessment; Teaching

Research interests

My research focuses on the improvement of self-judgments of skills in undergraduate medical students. A typical example is Doctor-Patient communication. This is a complex task that has to be refined throughout a lifetime of practice, which is often done without formal supervision. Thus we need to teach students not only communication skills, but also how to identify own strengths and weaknesses in applying them. Generally self-judgments of own performance have found to be inaccurate, thus informing further learning negatively. So in order to facilitate students’ for life-long learning we have to improve their self-judgment skills. As shown with text-learning and learning to solve chess problems self-judgments can be improved when the subjects engages in a suitable self-reflection exercise. My research aims to identify and improve suitable self-reflection exercises for doctor-patient communication to improve students’ self-judgments and thus their self-directed live long learning of communication skills.

Selected publications

  1. Wagner-Menghin, M., de Bruin, A.B.H. & van Merriënboer, J.J.G., 2020. Communication skills supervisors’ monitoring of history-taking performance: an observational study on how doctors and non-doctors use cues to prepare feedback. BMC Medical Education, 20(1). Available at:
  2. Wagner‐Menghin, M., Hirsch, A. & Pokieser, P., 2018. Using patient cases to educate health professionals, patients, institutions, and society: the swallowing disorder example. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1434(1), pp.27–34. Available at:
  3. Wagner-Menghin, M., de Bruin, A. & van Merriënboer, J.J.G., 2015. Monitoring communication with patients: analyzing judgments of satisfaction (JOS). Advances in Health Sciences Education, 21(3), pp.523–540. Available at:
  4. Wagner-Menghin, M., Preusche, I. & Schmidts, M., 2015. Practical clinical skills assessment for a cohort of 680 2nd year human medicine students. Is it feasible? Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift, 165(5-6), pp.91–97. Available at:
  5. Preusche, I., Schmidts, M. & Wagner-Menghin, M., 2012. Twelve tips for designing and implementing a structured rater training in OSCEs. Medical Teacher, 34(5), pp.368-372. Available at: