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Raphael van Tulder
Priv. Doz. Dr. Raphael van TulderConsultant

Department of Emergency Medicine
Position: Consultant

T +43 1 40400 19640


Critical Care; Life Support Care; Myocardial Infarction; Resuscitation

Research interests

- Dispatch Life Support

- Prehospital Emergency Care

- Emergency Medical Services

- Airway Management

- Resuscitation

- Acute Coronary Syndrome

Techniques, methods & infrastructure

Clinical Research

Selected publications

  1. van Tulder et al., Laryngeal Tube Practice In A Metropolitan Ambulance Service: A Five-Year Retrospective Observational Study (2009-2013), Prehospital Emergency Care 2016
  2. van Tulder et al. Effects Of A (Voice-) Metronome On Compression Rate And Depth In Telephone Assisted, Bystander Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: An Investigator- Blinded, 3-Armed, Randomized, Simulation Trial", Emergencias 2015
  3. van Tulder et al. Effects of repetitive or intensified instructions in telephone assisted, bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation: an investigator- blinded, 4-armed, randomized factorial simulation trial: Resuscitation 2013
  4. van Tulder et al.An ECG Technician improves in-hospital First Medical Contact-To-ECG times: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Interventional Trial: American Journal of Emergency Medicine 2011