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Simone Lubowitzki-Lexhaller
Dr. Simone Lubowitzki-Lexhaller, MA

Department of Medicine I (Division of Hematology and Hemostaseology)
Position: Research Associate (Postdoc)

ORCID: 0000-0002-0605-8292


Mental Health; Telemedicine

Research interests

My research focus is eHealth applications which enables real-time monitoring and symptom tracking on a daily basis. Daily symptom recording via app on the patient's own smartphone not only facilitates the patient's daily routine, but also the clinical routine of the care team by providing direct, concrete, rapid support. This creates a personalized approach to symptom management: Information specifically tailored to the patient's disease, medication can be provided, and evidence-based questionnaires (PROMs) make it possible to ask about the patient's current state of health.

Techniques, methods & infrastructure

  • Patient reported outcome measurements (PROs)