Center for Physiology and Pharmacology (Division of Neurophysiology and Neuropharmacology)
Position: Professor
ORCID: 0000-0002-0205-2459
Cardiovascular; Neuropharmacology; Neurophysiology and behavioral
Research interests
We are interested in the molecular mechanisms and functional consequences of the modulation of transmitter release and excitability in a variety of neurons via various types of receptors. In addition, the molecular pharmacology of neuronal ion channels and P2Y receptors is a research focus.
Techniques, methods & infrastructure
The group uses primary cultures of mouse and rat hippocampal, spinal cord, sensory, and sympathetic neurons for transfection, for the recording of autaptic and miniature synaptic currents, of currents through Ca2+ and Kv7 channels, and for the determination of transmitter release via radiotracers. Intracellular second messengers (cAMP and inositol phosphates) are quantified by radioactive labeling and separation by column chromatography. FRET, TIRF-FRET and FRAP of fluorescent fusion proteins is done via fluorescent microscopy. Members of this research group have access to two complete cell culture labs (preparative microscope, sterile hoods, 5 incubators, fluorescence microscopes), one standard radioactivity lab, one standard biochemistry and molecular biology lab, a fluorescence microscope for TIRF, one confocal laser scanning microscope, and 5 complete patch clamp rigs.
Selected publications
- Buchmayer F, Schicker K, Steinkellner T, Geier P, Stubiger G, Hamilton P, Jurik A, Stockner T, Yang J, Montgomery T, Holy M, Hofmaier T, Kudlacek O, Matthies H, Ecker G, Bochkov V, Galli A, Boehm S, Sitte H (2013) Amphetamine actions at the serotonin transporter rely on the availability of phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate PNAS, 110 (28): 11642-11647
- Yousuf A, Klinger F, Schicker K, Boehm S (2011) Nucleotides control the excitability of sensory neurons via two P2Y receptors and a bifurcated signaling cascade Pain, 152 (8): 1899-1908
- Kubista H, Edelbauer H, Boehm S. (2004) Evidence for structural and functional diversity among SDS-resistant SNARE complexes in neuroendocrine cells J Cell Sci., 117: 955-966
- Boehm S. (1999) ATP stimulates sympathetic transmitter release via presynaptic P2X purinoceptors J Neurosci, 19: 737-746
- O'Connor V, El Far O, Bofill-Cardona E, Nanoff C, Freissmuth M, Karschin A, Airas JM, Betz H, Boehm S. (1999) Calmodulin dependence of presynaptic metabotropic glutamate receptor signaling Science, 286: 1180-1184