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Wilfried Ellmeier
Univ.Prof.Mag.Dr. Wilfried EllmeierHead, Institute of Immunology

Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology (Institute of Immunology)
Position: Professor

ORCID: 0000-0001-8192-8481
T +43 1 40160 33293

Further Information


Autoimmunity; Chromatin; Gene Regulatory Networks; Histone Deacetylases; Inflammation; T Cells; T-Lymphocyte Subsets

Research interests

Our long-term research interest is to characterize molecular mechanisms that regulate the development and function of T lymphocytes. With our studies we aim to provide important and medical relevant insight into the regulation of T cell-mediated immunity. In ongoing studies we address the following research topics:

• Histone deacetylase function in T cell-mediated immunity

• Transcriptional control of T cell development and function

• Regulation of T cell lineage identity and integrity

For more information please visit:

Techniques, methods & infrastructure

We are embedded in a strong collaborative environment and the experimental strategies to address our research interests include multi-color flow-cytometry, a variety of immunological tools, biochemical and molecular approaches, retroviral-mediated gene transduction into hematopoietic stem cells, next generation sequencing and mouse molecular genetics tools.


Selected publications

  1. Boucheron, N. et al. (2014) ‘CD4+ T cell lineage integrity is controlled by the histone deacetylases HDAC1 and HDAC2’, Nature Immunology, 15(5), pp. 439–448. Available at:
  2. Ellmeier, W. and Seiser, C. (2018) ‘Histone deacetylase function in CD4+ T cells’, Nature Reviews Immunology, 18(10), pp. 617–634. Available at:
  3. Hamminger, P. et al. (2021) ‘Histone deacetylase 1 controls CD4+ T cell trafficking in autoinflammatory diseases’, Journal of Autoimmunity, 119, p. 102610. Available at:
  4. Preglej, T. and Ellmeier, W. (2022) ‘CD4+ Cytotoxic T cells – Phenotype, Function and Transcriptional Networks Controlling Their Differentiation Pathways’, Immunology Letters, 247, pp. 27–42. Available at:
  5. Stolz, V. et al. (2024) ‘Nuclear receptor corepressor 1 controls regulatory T cell subset differentiation and effector function’, eLife, 13. Available at: