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10th Imaging in the Life Sciences Meeting - Imaging across scales


08. Juni 2017
9:00 - 19:00

Unfallkrankenhaus Wien Lorenz Böhler
Donaueschingenstraße 13, 1200 Wien

The Correlated Multimodal Imaging Node Austria (CMI) is the official Austrian Euro-Bioimaging initiative of leading imaging experts in Austria. It was established as a consortium of eight universities and research institutes in and around Vienna ( to foster and pioneer correlated multimodal imaging across scales in life sciences. CMI offers more than 35 state-of-the-art imaging technologies from preclinical imaging to atomic resolution, numerous multimodal correlated imaging pipelines, and various support services, such as data and image analysis, to researchers on a national and international level. This year’s Imaging in the Life Sciences Meeting is organized by CMI and hosted by the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Experimental and Cinical Traumatology.


Die Veranstaltung wird von der Österreichischen Euro BioImaging Initiative ( organisiert. Sie richtet sich an alle Forscherinnen und Forscher die zur Bearbeitung ihrer Fragestellungen mulitmodale und/oder cutting edge Bildgebungsmethoden verwenden möchten oder solche entwickeln.


