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Colloquium in Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology


22. November 2018
12:15 - 14:00

Hygiene Institute, Lecture Hall1
Kinderspitalgasse 15
A - 1090 Vienna

Arsen Arakelyan, Ph.D.
“Computational biology autoimmunity and autoinflammation"

Arsen Arakelyan is director of the Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB, and Head of the Bioinformatics Group ( at the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia (NAS RA) in Yerevan. Since 2011, he has been focusing on a variety of research topics and directions, such as protein structural modeling, gene ontology analysis, etc. The current research focus involves computational analysis of disease pathomechanisms, telomere bioinformatics and regulation of alternative splicing. In 2018, he was also appointed director of the Institute of Biomedicine and Pharmacy at the Russian-Armenian University.

PD Dr. habil. Hans Binder
“Immune responses in cancer and infectious diseases – a bioinformatics perspective”

Hans Binder is biophysicist by training with background in biophysical chemistry, optical spectroscopy and computational modelling on biomolecules and lipid membranes. Since 2002 he ‘became’ computational biologist working in health bioinformatics to understand molecular determinants and mechanisms of human’s diseases under a systems perspective. His group is focusing on genomic regulation by pursuing a holistic view on different ‘omics’ realms (genome, epigenome, transcriptome, and also proteome and metabolome) and different levels of organization (molecular, cellular, tissue etc.) and relations (e.g. pathways, interaction nets). From a methodical perspective he pursues a data-driven approach by developing and applying algorithms and methods that aim at extracting relevant biological information from large sets of high-throughput data, e.g. collected in large-scale patient-cohorts. Hans performs bioinformatics analyses in a series of cancer consortia and systems biology projects on infectious diseases.