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Habilitationskolloquien „Konservativ“ Fachbereich


18. November 2024
13:00 - 14:20

Rektoratssaal der MedUni Wien, BT 88.01.514
Spitalgasse 23,1090 Wien

13.00 Uhr Katharina DÖRR, MBA
„Innere Medizin“
Influence of etelcalcetide on myocardial remodeling in hemodialysis patients
13.20 Uhr
Dr. Felix HOFER, PhD
Biomarkers and cardiovascular outcomes in patients with cardiovascular disease
13.40 Uhr
Ap.Prof. Dott. Dr. Dott. mag. Vito GIORDANO, PhD
„Neonatal Neurosciences & Outcomes“
From comfort to cognition: Regular pain and sedation assessment in the NICU and its association with neurodevelopmental outcomes among premature infants
14.00 Uhr
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Andreas PEYRL
„Kinder- und Jugendheilkunde“
Diagnosis and treatment of medulloblastoma