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Online-Event: YSA Autumn Colloquium 2020 Broadening the perspective: rare diseases during COVID-19


14. Oktober 2020
16:00 - 20:00

Online Event

In Austria, rare diseases affect around 1 in 20 people, with each disorder occurring per definition not more than in one per 2000 people. Simultaneously, the COVID-19 pandemic calls for fast socio-economic measures regarding public health.


Is the pandemic affecting research on rare diseases and care of patients with chronic disorders and rare diseases? How are specialists, statisticians and epidemiologists contributing to a fast and reasoned decision making to preserve good care of individuals and public health?


The colloquium will gather eminent speakers engaged in the fields of rare diseases, statistical mathematics and epidemiology to discuss these questions with us. We are looking forward to exciting talks and a lively discussion!


 Confirmed speakers so far: Niki Popper and Vanja Nagy


Further information and registration.