Actinomyces; Clinical virology ; Cytomegalovirus; Helicobacter; Immunity, Humoral; Immunosuppression
Research group(s)
- Research Group Steininger & Microbiome
Research Area: Cytomegalovirus Infection
Research interests
Cytomegalovirus Infection
The focus of our research is on the interaction between Cytomegalovirus and the human immune system. This human herpesvirus employs more than 100 different mechanisms that allow the virus to modulate and subvert the host's immune response but is counteracted successfully by the human immune system. We aim at elucidating critical immunological and biological mechanisms, that may tip the balance towards human disease.
More recently, we developed the method for studying the viral microbiome in a diversity of clinical samples. To correlate the viral microbiome and selected viruses with health and disease, multiple collaborations have been established including the Department of Surgery, Core Facility of the Medical University of Graz, Department of Neurologie, etc.
In addition, we study gastrointestinal infections for the identification of effective preventive and therapeutic strategies. These projects are done in close collaboration with several Centers for Gastrointestinal Medicine.
Techniques, methods & infrastructure
- Virome studies
- Virus culture
- Molecular biology (General)
- ELISA, Westernblotting
Selected publications
- Bilgilier, C. et al., 2017. Prospective, multicenter clinical study on inter- and intra-patient genetic variability for antimicrobial resistance of Helicobacter pylori. Clinical Microbiology and Infection. Available at:
- Thannesberger, J. et al., 2017. Viruses comprise an extensive pool of mobile genetic elements in eukaryote cell cultures and human clinical samples. The FASEB Journal, 31(5), pp.1987-2000. Available at:
- Steininger, C., 2012. Cytomegalovirus vaccine: light on the horizon. The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 12(4), pp.257-259. Available at:
- Steininger, C. et al., 2012. Recombinant antibodies encoded by IGHV1-69 react with pUL32, a phosphoprotein of cytomegalovirus and B-cell superantigen. Blood, 119(10), pp.2293-2301. Available at:
- Kump, P. et al., 2014. Empfehlungen zur Anwendung der fakalen Mikrobiotatransplantation �Stuhltransplantation�: Konsensus der Osterreichischen Gesellschaft für Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie (OGGH) in Zusammenarbeit mit der Osterreichischen Gesellschaft für Infektiologie und Tropenmedizin (OEGIT). Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie, 52(12), pp.1485-1492. Available at: