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Peter Pietschmann
Univ.Prof.Dr. Peter PietschmannHead of the Division of Cellular and Molecular Pathophysiology

Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology (Institute of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research)
Position: Professor

T +43 1 40400 51260 or 56940

Further Information


Animal models; Arthritis, Rheumatoid; Bone Diseases; Cytokines; Osteoblasts; Osteoclasts; Osteocytes; Osteoporosis

Research group(s)

  • Bone Research
    Research Area: The primary aim of the bone research group is to study the biology and pathophysiology of bone. Within this scope a special focus is laid on osteoimmunology ,

Research interests

 My main research interest is to study the biology and pathophysiology of bone. Within this scope a special focus is laid on osteoimmunology,  a very promising research field bridging the areas of osteology and immunology.  

Techniques, methods & infrastructure

Techniques used by my research group include cell culture, quantitative PCR, immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence microscopy, ELISAs, bone histomorphometry and micro-computed tomography of bone.


  • Development of peak bone mass and muscle mass in inbred mouse strains: a pilot study (2017)
    Source of Funding: Medical Scientific Fund of the Mayor of the City of Vienna,
    Principal Investigator
  • Effects of binge alcohol drinking during youth on bone - a pilot study (2015)
    Source of Funding: FWF (Austrian Science Fund), Stand-Alone Projects
    Principal Investigator
  • Vergleichsstudie von Hüftkopfknochen von Männern mit Schenkelhalsfrakturen bzw. Hüftarthrosen. (2007)
    Source of Funding: OeNB (Oesterreichische Nationalbank), Anniversary Fund
    Principal Investigator

Selected publications

  1. Rauner M, Föger-Samwald U, Kurz MF, Brünner-Kubath C, Schamall D, Kapfenberger A, Varga P, Kudlacek S, Wutzl A, Höger H, Zysset PK, Shi GP, Hofbauer LC, Sipos W, Pietschmann P. Cathepsin S controls adipocytic and osteoblastic differentiation, bone turnover, and bone microarchitecture. Bone 64:281-287, 2014. doi: 10.1016/j.bone.2014.04.022
  2. Patsch JM, Kohler T, Berzlanovich A, Muschitz C, Bieglmayr C, Roschger P, Resch H Pietschmann P. Trabecular bone microstructure and local gene expression in iliac crest biopsies of men with idiopathic osteoporosis. J Bone Miner Res 26 (7):1584-1592, 2011. doi: 10.1002/jbmr.344.
  3. Rauner M, Stupphann D, Haas M., Fert I, Glatigny S, Sipos W, Breban M, Pietschmann P. The HLA-B27 transgenic rat, a model of spondyloarthritis, has a decreased bone mineral density and an increased RANKL-to-OPG mRNA ratio. J Rheumatol 36:120-126, 2009. doi: 10.3899/jrheum.080475.
  4. Orwoll E, Ettinger M, Weiss S, Miller P, Kendler D, Graham J, Adami S, Weber K, Lorenc R, Pietschmann P, Silverman S, Felsenberg D, Vandormael K, Daifotis A, Lombardi A. Alendronate treatment of osteoporosis in men. N Engl J Med 343: 604-610, 2000
  5. Pietschmann P, Cush JJ, Lipsky PE, Oppenheimer Marks N. Identification of subsets of human T cells capable of enhanced transendothelial migration. J Immunol 149: 1170-1178, 1992