Personality Assessment; Personality Disorders; Psychoanalysis; Psychoanalytic process and outcome research
Research interests
My main research focuses on diagnosis and treatment of patients with personality disorders. Diagnostic instruments are translated, validated, and applied. Treatment process and outcome are evaluated. Particularly psychoanalytic and psychodynamic foci are in the center of my own and the department´s research. A major focus is the development and application of Transference-focused Psychotherapy (TFP) for patients with borderline personality disorders.
Techniques, methods & infrastructure
We apply clinical methods focusing on structured diagnosis of psychopathology as well es different aspects of personality, personality functioning and interpersonal relationships. Psychoanalysis and Transference-focused Psychotherapy (TFP) are being investigated with a focus on efficacy as well as mechanisms of change and psychotherapy process.
Selected publications
- Doering, S. et al. (2022) ‘What Kind of Patients Receive Inpatient and Day-Hospital Treatment in Departments of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy in Germany?’, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 92(1), pp. 49–54. Available at: Available at:
- Doering, S. (2019) ‘Borderline Personality Disorder in Patients With Medical Illness: A Review of Assessment, Prevalence, and Treatment Options’, Psychosomatic Medicine, 81(7), pp. 584–594. Available at: Available at:
- Doering, S. et al. (2018) ‘Personality functioning in anxiety disorders’, BMC Psychiatry, 18(1). Available at: Available at:
- Doering, S. et al. (2012) ‘Personality Functioning and the Cortical Midline Structures – An Exploratory fMRI Study’, PLoS ONE. Edited by K. Domschke, 7(11), p. e49956. Available at: Available at:
- Doering, S. et al. (2010) ‘Transference-focused psychotherapy v. treatment by community psychotherapists for borderline personality disorder: randomised controlled trial’, British Journal of Psychiatry, 196(5), pp. 389–395. Available at: Available at: