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Wolfgang Johann Weninger
Dr. Wolfgang Johann Weninger, MDHead of Division of Anatomy

Center for Anatomy and Cell Biology (Division of Anatomy)
Position: Professor

ORCID: 0000-0003-0575-0073
T +43 1 40160 37560

Further Information


Anatomy; Cell Biology; Imaging, Three-Dimensional; Multimodal Imaging

Research group(s)

  • Weninger Lab
    Research Area: The focus of the Weninger lab rests on studying biomedical model organisms and human body donors with traditional dissection, innovative experimental approaches and cutting edge imaging technologies.

Research interests

  • Combining cutting edge imaging techniques for developing multimodal, multiscale approaches to visualise molecular signals in the context of morphology and tissue architecture in humans and biomedical model organisms at the systemy, organ, tissue, cell and subcellular level.
  • Researching the mechanisms driving and orchestrating embryogensis and tissue remodelling. Focus rests on  cardiovascular morphogenesis.
  • Developing and employing protocols and methods for phenotyping embryos of biomedical model organisms.
  • Conducting joint projects with clinicians, which involve and combine imaging and anatomical dissection.
  • Traditional Micro & Macromorphology

Techniques, methods & infrastructure

  • Episcopic &  section based 3D imaging methdos (incl. EFIC & HREM).
  • Body Donor Dissection & Imaging
  • Traditional histology & microscopy

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