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Albrecht Ingo Schmid
Dipl. Ing. Dr. Albrecht Ingo Schmid

Center for Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering
Position: Associate Professor

ORCID: 0000-0002-5196-151X
T +43 1 40400 64610


Cardiovascular Diseases; Diabetes Mellitus; Energy Metabolism; Magnetic Resonance Imaging; Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy; Motion; Ultrahigh field MRI

Research interests

Developing new MR techniques for the investigating the dynamics and function of human tissues, focusing on heart and skeletal muscle metabolism, biomechanics and perfusion. 

Techniques, methods & infrastructure

He has been working in dynamic multi-nuclear imaging and spectroscopy (1H, 31P, 13C), investigating tissue energy metabolism and perfusion in heart and skeletal muscle, liver and brain. His work is focused basic research both methodological and clinical, with applications including insulin resistance, diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disorders.

Albrecht Schmid graduated in Physics (Diploma and PhD) at the TU Wien and the Center of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering and the MR Center of Excellence. He is head of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance and together with Martin Meyerspeer he is leading the research group Spectrosocopy and Metabolism.


  • Cardiac Efficiency by MR Spectroscopy and Elastography (2021)
    Source of Funding: FWF (Austrian Science Fund), Stand-Alone Project (P 35607)
    Principal Investigator
  • Quantification of pH in the human myocardium by 7T 31P MRS (2017)
    Source of Funding: FWF (Austrian Science Fund), Schrödinger Fellowship
    Principal Investigator
  • Advanced measurement of human cardiac metabolism by interleaved 31P and 1H 7 T MR (2016)
    Source of Funding: FWF (Austrian Science Fund), Stand-Alone Projects (P 28867)
    Principal Investigator