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Treffpunkt CCIM extended Symposium Climate change and infection

Climate change and its impact on human life and ecosystems are the major challenge for the next decades. Arctic medicine has been collecting experiences with climate for a long time. The thawing of permafrost soils sets viruses free, which have been conserved in them for a long time – their global impact is unknown.

Prof. Birgitta Evengard, an expert on infectious diseases and Prof. Jean-Michel Claverie are internationally experts on these topics receiving world-wide attention for the research (CNN permafrost virus)

There are several approaches to cope – to adjust the carbonic footprint of a hospital is one of them. The panel discussion among persons with differential experiences and ideas for improvement will round up this symposium.

The Comprehensive Center for Infection Medicine (CCIM) enables close cooperation between all institutions and professional groups of the Medical University of Vienna and the University Hospital Vienna General Hospital in the areas of prevention and hygiene, antibiotic therapy and management as well as microbiological diagnostics of infections, vaccinations and prophylaxis. Research, knowledge transfer and education in these areas are intended to continuously improve patient:ing care and create a broad understanding.

Treffpunkt CCIM is an accessible platform of the CCIM that takes place once a month. The topics are wide-ranging and include areas such as: Infectiology, Microbiology, Hygiene, Prophylaxis, as well as other focal points resulting from case presentations and research presentations. The event is accredited for one DFP point.


Chair: Heinz Burgmann, Sophie Weißgärber

  • 14:00-14:10 | Welcome remarks
    Elisabeth Presterl, Medical University of Vienna, Austria
  • 14:10-16:30 | Without healthy ecosystems there is no human health - climate change and human health form the - Arctic perspective
    Birgitta Evengard, University of Umea, Sweden
  • Eukaryotic viruses revived from ancient permafrost – “Zombieviruses” on the rise?
    Jean-Michel Claverie, School of Medicine of Aix-Marseille University, France
  • Reduction of the carbon footprint of hospitals – save the environment but do not shoot the working horse!
    Elisabeth Presterl, Medical University of Vienna, Austria
  • Panel discussion: Changing climate and challenges for healthcare – new bugs, antimicrobial resistance and strategies to overcome
    • Heinz Burgmann, Department of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine, Medical University of Vienna, Austria
    • Jean-Michel Claverie, Institute de Microbiologie de la Méditerranée, Aix Marseille, France
    • Birgitta Evengard, Department of Infectious Diseases, University of Umea, Sweden,
    • Sophie Falkeis, speculative Design, Vienna, Austria
    • Noam Hartman, Austrian Student Association, Medical University of Vienna, Austria
    • Bertrand Lell, Department of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine, Vienna, Austria and Lambarene, Gaboun
    • Elisabeth Puchhammer-Stöckl, Department of Virology, Medical University of Vienna
    • Elisabeth Presterl, Department of Hospital Epidemiology and Infection Control, Medical University of Vienna, Austria
    • Martin Schneider, Association for Sustainable Landscape Protection, Vienna, Austria
    • Sophie Weißgärber, Austrian Student Association, Medical University of Vienna, Austria
  • 16.30 | Mingle with drinks and snacks in the Library Room 
  • 18.00 | Close


the whole Program
