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Henriette Loeffler-Stastka
Univ. Prof. Priv. Doz. Dr. med. univ. Henriette Loeffler-StastkaDean of Postgraduate Programs, Head of the Programs Psychotherapy Research, Health Care Management and Counseling

Department of Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy
Position: Associate Professor

ORCID: 0000-0001-8785-0435
T +43 1 40400 30700

Further Information


Curriculum; Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures; Outcome Assessment (Health Care); Program Development; Psychoanalytic process and outcome research

Research group(s)

Research interests

Our main research focus is the development of effective treatment strategies concerning mental health problems, ingredients that have impact on change processes in patients as well as in therapists and doctors. The development of effective and efficient therapists and medical doctors, didactic considerations and curricular development are a main center of interest. A research focus is devoted to the interdisciplinary work, educational strategies and learning surroundings necessary to facilitate change processes. On the meta-level natural and social scientific paradigmata are reflected in applied scientific and clinical reasoning projects as well as in the university course on psychotherapy research.

Techniques, methods & infrastructure

We mainly focus on qualitative and quantitative methods in outcome and process research, including mixed methods designs, as well as interview quantification and operationalization of pathoplastic, or effective and efficient ingredients for change processes.


  • Emergent Patterns of Clinical Psychoanalytic Development: A Mixed Methods Approach for Education and Progression Committees (PCC-Q-sort) (2024)
    Source of Funding: Brain & Behavior Research Foundation, IPA
    Principal Investigator
  • Versorgungswirksamkeit von Psychotherapie in Österreich (2022)
    Source of Funding: Medical Scientific Fund of the Mayor of the City of Vienna, Projektnummer: 21163
    Principal Investigator
  • SOLAfem (2019)
    Source of Funding: life-science-success, science2business Award
    Principal Investigator
  • Social Cognition in 22q11 Syndrome (2018)
    Source of Funding: EU, APsaA
    Principal Investigator
  • Society for Psychotherapy Research Interest Section on Therapist Training and Development (SPRISTAD) (2017)
    Source of Funding: EU, SPR
    Principal Investigator
  • TREATme (European Network on Individualized Psychotherapy Treatment of Young People with Mental Disorders) (2017)
    Source of Funding: EU, COST (Horizon 2020) for 2017 – 2021: CA16102
    Coordinator of the collaborative project
  • Wie gut kommunizieren Famulierende der MedUniWien bei einer Anamnese-Erhebung? Die Sicht der Ausbildungsverantwortlichen an den Versorgungsspitälern (2015)
    Source of Funding: Medical Scientific Fund of the Mayor of the City of Vienna,
    Principal Investigator

Selected publications

  1. Seitz, T. et al., 2018. Does medical students personality have an impact on their intention to show empathic behavior? Archives of Women's Mental Health, 21(6), pp.611-618. Available at:
  2. Himmelbauer, M. et al., 2018. Standardized patients in psychiatry - the best way to learn clinical skills? BMC Medical Education, 18(1). Available at:
  3. Löffler-Stastka, H., Gelo, O., Pleschberger, I., Hartmann, A., Orlinsky, D. E., Ronnestad, M. H., Willutzki, U., 2019. Psychotherapy training in Austria. Baseline and socio-demographic background data from a SPRISTAD (Society of Psychotherapy Research Interest Section on Therapist Training and Development); Pilotstudy. Zeitschrift für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, in press.
  4. Steinmair, D. et al. (2021) ‘Mind reading improvements in mentalization-based therapy training’, Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 85(1), pp. 59–82. doi:10.1521/bumc.2021.85.1.59.
  5. Löffler-Stastka, H. et al. (2021) ‘Simulating the mind and applications – a theory-based chance for understanding psychic transformations in somatic symptom disorders’, World Journal of Meta-Analysis, 9(6), pp. 474–487. doi:10.13105/wjma.v9.i6.474.