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Brigitte Holzinger Mag.a Brigitte HolzingerLehrtherapeutin für Integrative Gestalttherapie, Somnologin

Teaching Center
Position: Lecturer

ORCID: 0000-0001-5385-4091
T +43 1 +43699 101 990 42

Further Information


Consciousness; Dreams; Gestalt Theory; Gestalt Therapy; Hypnosis; Psychology; Sleep; Sleep Disorders; Sleep, REM

Research group(s)

Research interests

My main focus is research on sleep and sleeping disorders. In this context I am particularly interested in how various sleep disorders (including the nightmare disorder and the shift work sleeping disorder) are connected to dreaming and further how (lucid) dreaming could play an important role in their treatment. For further information about the specific treatment that I developed please visit

Moreover, my research field includes traumas and burnout.


Techniques, methods & infrastructure

Sleep Coaching: (Integrative) Gestalttherapy, Lucid Dreaming, Cognition in Sleep, Medical Hypnosis, Relaxation Techniques, Awareness Teaching, Sleep Problems, Sleep Research, Nightmare Research and Nightmare Treatment

Selected publications

  1. Holzinger, B., Klösch, G. & Saletu, B., 2015. Studies with lucid dreaming as add-on therapy to Gestalt therapy. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 131(6), pp.355,
  2. Holzinger Brigitte, Levec, Katharina, Munzinger, Melissa-Marie, Mayer, Lucille, Klösch Gerhard. (2019). Managing daytime sleepiness with the help of Sleep Coaching, a non-pharmacological treatment of non-restorative sleep. Sleep and Breathing, 24, 253-258.
  3. Gieselmann, A., Malik, A.A., Carr,M., Germain, A., GorzkA, R., Holzinger B., Kleim, B., Krakow, B., Kunze, A.E., Lance, J., Nadorff, M., Nielsen, T., Riemann, D., Sandahl, H., Schlarb, A., Schmid, C., Schredl, M., Spoormaker, V.I., Steil, R., Van Schagen, A.M., Wittmann, L., Zschoche, M., Pietrowsky, R. (2019). Aetiology and treatment of nightmare disorder: State of the art and future perspectives. Journal of Sleep Research. 28(4), e12820
  4. Di Pauli, Franziska, Ambra Stefani, Evi Holzknecht, Elisabeth Brandauer, Thomas Mitterling, Brigitte Holzinger, Birgit Högl. (2017). Dream Content in Patients With Sleep Apnea: A Prospective Sleep Laboratory Study. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. 14(01), 41-46.
  5. Riemann, D. et al. (2023) ‘The European Insomnia Guideline: An update on the diagnosis and treatment of insomnia 2023’, Journal of Sleep Research, 32(6). Available at: