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Lena Hirtler
ap. Prof. PD Mag. DDr. Lena HirtlerDeputy Head of the Division of Anatomy

Center for Anatomy and Cell Biology (Division of Anatomy)
Position: Lecturer

ORCID: 0000-0001-5194-9118
T +43 1 40160 37570


Anatomy; Arthroscopy; Locomotion; Musculoskeletal System; Orthopedic Procedures; Radiology

Research group(s)

  • Hirtler Lab
    Head: Lena Hirtler
    Research Area: The members of this research group address a wide range of anatomical and clinical-morphological questions. Starting from classical anatomical and histological evaluations to clinical applications, e.g. minimally invasive surgery and imaging procedures, research questions are processed by the use of state-of-the-art techniques. Apart from stand-alone projects, the group is characterized by collaborations with a variety of partners to tackle currently relevant issues in clinical practice.

Research interests

My current research interests are mainly subdivided into three areas:

  1. Clinical applied anatomy of the musculoskeletal system: morphology of the knee joint and the ankle joint in biomedical imaging, biomechanic evaluation of the impact of osseous defects on the stability of bone and of the stability of different surgical techniques in orthopedic procedures, evaluation of different arthroscopic techniques in knee arthroscopy and comparison of different approaches in ankle arthroscopy
  2. Clinical applied anatomy in neurosurgery and ENT procedures: Endoscopic approaches to the skull base
  3. Clinical applied evaluation of different surgical procedures in reconstructive surgery: feasability of osteochondral flaps, reconstructive techniques in bone loss, changes in perfusion of musculocutaneous flaps

All those scientific projects are mostly performed in cooperation with different clinical departments.

Selected publications

  1. Schwarz, G.M. & Hirtler, L., 2017. The cremasteric reflex and its muscle - a paragon of ongoing scientific discussion: A systematic review. Clinical Anatomy, 30(4), pp.498-507. Available at:
  2. Hirtler, L., Röhrich, S. & Kainberger, F., 2016. The Femoral Intercondylar Notch During Life: An Anatomic Redefinition With Patterns Predisposing to Cruciate Ligament Impingement. American Journal of Roentgenology, 207(4), pp.836-845. Available at:
  3. Willegger, M. et al., 2016. Biomechanical stability of tape augmentation for anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL) repair compared to the native ATFL. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, 24(4), pp.1015-1021. Available at:
  4. Hirtler, L., Unger, J. & Weninger, P., 2015. Acute and chronic menisco-capsular separation in the young athlete: diagnosis, treatment and results in thirty seven consecutive patients. International Orthopaedics, 39(5), pp.967-974. Available at:
  5. Zauleck, M.K. et al., 2014. Origin of the anterior cruciate ligament and the surrounding osseous landmarks of the femur. Clinical Anatomy, 27(7), pp.1103-1110. Available at: