Film Dosimetry
Research group(s)
- Medical Radiation Research
Head: Dietmar Georg
Research Area: The vision of our group is the optimization of the treatment outcome of radiation oncology, alone or in combination with established chemotherapy or novel targeted strategies of drug treatment, with conventional photon or innovative ion-beams.
Research interests
Main topics of my research are the dosimetry and quality assurance in radiation therapy the implementation and evaluation of novel treatment techniques. This includes adaptive treatment strategies where changes in patient anatomy over the course of the treatment are compensated. Implementation of these strategies require a rigorous quality assurance process to ensure patient safety. In the field of dosimetry, my main focus is accurate determination of absorbed dose in small and non-standard radiation fields. Detailed knowledge of physical phenomena in these fields as well specific detector characteristics will improve the accuracy of the radiation dose delivered to the patient.
Techniques, methods & infrastructure
A new formalism on assessment of uncertainties in small and non-standard fields is currently under development. The non-linear characteristics in small fields require an adaptation of classical approaches on assessment of uncertainties and Gaussian uncertainty propagation.
The use of log-file based quality assurance combined with machine learning approaches is a promising candidate for quality assurance in radiation oncology in the future.
Selected publications
- Lechner, W. et al., 2017. Equivalent (uniform) square field sizes of flattening filter free photon beams. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 62(19), pp.7694,
- Lechner, W. et al., 2013. Detector comparison for small field output factor measurements in flattening filter free photon beams. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 109(3), pp.356,
- Lechner, W., Kragl, G. & Georg, D., 2013. Evaluation of treatment plan quality of IMRT and VMAT with and without flattening filter using Pareto optimal fronts. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 109(3), pp.437,
- Lechner, W. et al., 2018. A multinational audit of small field output factors calculated by treatment planning systems used in radiotherapy. Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology, 5, pp.58,
- De Puysseleyr, A. et al., 2016. Absorbed dose measurements in the build-up region of flattened versus unflattened megavoltage photon beams. Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik, 26(2), pp.177,