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Kathryn Hoffmann
Univ.-Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Kathryn Hoffmann, MPHHead of the Department of Primary Care Medicine

Center for Public Health (Department of General Practice and Family Medicine)
Position: Professor

ORCID: 0000000187604250
T +43 1 40160 34610

Further Information


Community Health Services; General Practice; Health system performance assessment; Public Health; Social Determinants of Health

Research interests

Research focuses: health services research and telemedicine in primary care as well as primary care medicine, recently with a strong focus on Long-Covid and Post-Covid (research, teaching, guideline establishment, patient care), which is a postinfectious syndrom.

Research in this area is highly complex and therefore, I am experience in qualitative, quantitative as well as mixed-method approaches. Regarding my research activities, I am collaborating with the Duke University, Division of Family and Community Medicine, NC, USA and the Ghent University in Belgium. I am the Austrian representative of the European General Practice Research Network. In the last years, I have been the Austrian coordinator of several large-scale (EU-funded) research projects, which focus on the quality and structure of primary care systems an the role of primary care medicine in Europe and worldwide. In addition, I am intensively involved in the development of the medical curriculum, e.g. due to my role as curriculum coordinator for the KPJ in General Practice.

Techniques, methods & infrastructure

Qualitative and quantitative research methods as well as mixed method approaches.

We are a highly interdiszipllinary team at the department bringing a lot of different insights into research topics.

Selected publications

  1. Hoffmann K, George A, Jirovsky E, Dorner TE. 2019. Re-examining access points to the different levels of health care: a cross-sectional series in Austria, European Journal of Public Health, 29(6) December 2019, pp.1005–1010. Available at:
  2. Hoffmann, K. et al., 2015. Associations and Synergistic Effects for Psychological Distress and Chronic Back Pain on the Utilization of Different Levels of Ambulatory Health Care. A Cross-Sectional Study from Austria C. van der Feltz-Cornelis, ed. PLoS ONE, 10(7), p.e0134136. Available at:
  3. Hoffmann, K. et al., 2013. Antibiotics and their effects: what do patients know and what is their source of information? The European Journal of Public Health, 24(3), pp.502-507. Available at:
  4. Hoffmann, K. et al., 2015. Prevalence and resistance patterns of commensal S. aureus in community-dwelling GP patients and socio-demographic associations. A cross-sectional study in the framework of the APRES-project in Austria. BMC Infectious Diseases, 15(1). Available at:
  5. Hoffmann, K. et al., 2019. The ecology of medical care: Access points to the health care system in Austria and other developed countries. Scand J Prim Health Care. 37(4):409-417. Available at: