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Basics of Neuroscience II

Basics of Neuroscience II

Basics of Neuroscience II (860.033 BVO 2 hours)

In 31 units the specialists of the individual field of research guide through different topics of modern neuroscience. This lecture takes place as morning lectures in January. It is called Basics of Neuroscience II as for students that have never attended any neuroscience lecture it is recommended to attend some Neuroscience basic lecture. Still, we do have a block “Fundamentals” integrated where we rush through the very basics but will not cover all basic aspects. Students who have a medical background or enter the PhD program with a Master in Neuroscience – they will be perfectly fine without any pre lectures.

Block 1: Fundamentals (9 Units)

Developmental neurobiology, neuroanatomy, basics of neurophysiology, neurotransmission

Block 2: Neuronal circuits of behavior and cognition (9 Units)

Neuronal oscillations and synchrony, spatial representation of memory, autonomous system, motor system, attention and visual representations, smell, tast, auditory system, vestibular system, neuronal circuits of decisionmaking, neuronal circuits of emotion

Block 3: Neuropathology (13 Units)

Drugs and neurotransmitters, neuroimmunology, axonal degeneration and regeneration, Pain and touch, Epilepsy, Alzheimer, Parkinson, Addiction, Schizophrenia, Depression

» Detailed list for all 31 units of the current program: