Dr. Susanne Mayer
MedUni Wien RESEARCHER OF THE MONTH November 2018
Health-Related Resource-Use Measurement Instruments for Intersectoral Costs and Benefits in the Education and Criminal Justice Sectors
Intersectoral costs and benefits (ICBs), i.e. costs and benefits of healthcare interventions outside the healthcare sector, can be a crucial component in economic evaluations from the societal perspective. Pivotal to their estimation are sound resource-use measurement (RUM) instruments; however, RUM instruments for ICBs in the education or criminal justice sectors have not yet been systematically collated or their psychometric quality assessed. To identify relevant instruments, a systematic literature review was conducted in seven electronic databases and the Database of Instruments for Resource Use Measurement (DIRUM) was hand-searched. Twenty-six instruments were included in the review. Most frequently, ICB items measured school absenteeism, tutoring, classroom assistance or contacts with legal representatives, police custody/prison detainment and court appearances. ICBs in the education sector were especially relevant for age-related developmental disorders and chronic diseases, while criminal justice resource use seems more important in mental health, including alcohol-related disorders or substance abuse. Evidence on the validity or reliability of ICB items was published for two of the 26 instruments and many ICB instruments were applied in one study only.
Selected Literature
- Mayer, S., Paulus, A. T. G., Łaszewska, A., Simon, J., Drost, R. M. W. A., Ruwaard, D. & Evers, S. M. A. A. Health-related resource-use measurement instruments for intersectoral costs and benefits in the education and criminal justice sectors. Pharmacoeconomics 35(9), 895–908 (2017).
- Drost, R. M. W. A., Paulus, A. T. G., Ruwaard, D., Evers, S.M.A.A. Inter-sectoral costs and benefits of mental health prevention: towards a new classification scheme. J Ment Health Policy Econ 16(4), 179–186 (2013).
- Drost, R. M. W. A., van der Putten, I. M., Ruwaard, D., Evers, S. M. A. A., Paulus, A. T. G. Conceptualizations of the societal perspective within economic evaluations: systematic review. Int J Technol Assess Health Care 33(2), 251–260 (2017).
- Drost, R. M. W. A., Paulus, A. T. G., Ruwaard, D., Evers, S. M. A. A. Valuing inter-sectoral costs and benefits of interventions in the healthcare sector: methods for obtaining unit prices. Expert Rev Pharmacoecon Outcomes Res 17(1), 77–84 (2017).
- Mayer, S. & Österle, A. Socioeconomic determinants of prescribed and non-prescribed medicine consumption in Austria. Eur J Public Health 25(4), 597–603 (2015).
- Czypionka, T., Kraus, M., Mayer, S. & Röhrling, G. Efficiency, ownership, and financing of hospitals: the case of Austria. Health Care Manag Sci 17(4), 331–347 (2014).
- Mayer, S., Kiss, N., Łaszewska, A. & Simon, J. Costing evidence for health care decision-making in Austria: A systematic review. PLOS ONE 12(8), e0183116 (2017).
- Feig, C., Cheung, K. L., Hiligsmann, M., Evers, S. M. A. A., Simon, J. & Mayer, S. Best-worst scaling to assess the most important barriers and facilitators for the use of Health Technology Assessment in Austria. Expert Rev Pharmacoecon Outcomes Res (2017).
- Cheung, K.L., Evers, S. M. A. A., de Vries, H., Levy, P., Pokhrel, S., Jones, T., Danner, M., Wentlandt, J., Knufinke, L., Mayer, S. & Hiligsmann, M. Most important barriers and facilitators of HTA usage in decision-making in Europe. Expert Rev Pharmacoecon Outcomes Res (2018).