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September 2018 - Bianca S. Gerendas

Bianca S. Gerendas

MedUni Wien RESEARCHER OF THE MONTH, September 2018

The objective of the study was to identify imaging biomarkers in optical coherence tomography (OCT) predicting functional/anatomical outcomes in diabetic macular edema besides central retinal thickness (CRT). A post hoc analysis of the ranibizumab licensing studies in Europe with 345 patients has been performed. The morphological features CRT, intraretinal cystoid fluid (IRC) and subretinal fluid (SRF) have been analayzed in a multivariate model to define their impact on visual acuity (VA) after one year of treatment. A weak negative linear correlation between CRT/VA was observed before therapy (baseline, r=−0.34, p<0.001). Patients with baseline height of IRC≤380μm had significantly better baseline VA compared with patients with IRC height >380μm (p=0.0071), which was maintained after one year (p=0.0252). In conclusion, with ranibizumab treatment, the height of IRC before therapy was a better predictor of functional/anatomical improvement than CRT alone.

Selected Literature

[1] Gerendas BS, Prager S, Deak G, Simader C, Lammer J, Waldstein SM, Guerin T, Kundi M, Schmidt-Erfurth UM. Predictive imaging biomarkers relevant for functional and anatomical outcomes during ranibizumab therapy of diabetic macular oedema. Br J Ophthalmol. 2018 Feb;102(2):195-203. doi: 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2017-310483. Epub 2017 Jul 19.

[2] Huang D, Swanson EA, Lin CP, Schuman JS, Stinson WG, Chang W, Hee MR, Flotte T, Gregory K, Puliafito CA, et al. Optical coherence tomography. Science. 1991 Nov 22;254(5035):1178-81.

[3] Rosenfeld PJ, Brown DM, Heier JS, Boyer DS, Kaiser PK, Chung CY, Kim RY; MARINA Study Group. Ranibizumab for neovascular age-related macular degeneration. N Engl J Med. 2006 Oct 5;355(14):1419-31.

[4] Ferrara N. Vascular endothelial growth factor. The trigger for neovascularization in the eye. Lab Invest. 1995 Jun;72(6):615-8.

[5] Mitchell P, Bandello F, Schmidt-Erfurth U, Lang GE, Massin P, Schlingemann RO, Sutter F, Simader C, Burian G, Gerstner O, Weichselberger A; RESTORE study group. The RESTORE study: ranibizumab monotherapy or combined with laser versus laser monotherapy for diabetic macular edema. Ophthalmology. 2011 Apr;118(4):615-25. doi: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2011.01.031.

Bianca S. Gerendas

Medical University of Vienna
Department of Ophthalmology
Waehringer Guertel 18-20,
1090 Vienna, Austria

T: +43 (0)1 40400-73558/73419